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Yea I don’t know really I guess how to put in words because who wants to make the person there with I guess sound like a monster. But yea, sometimes, sporadically when he feels like it or something else has bothered him he is just really mean. Simple as that; as mean as someone can be without hitting me, calling me out my name, or yelling. He is more manipulative than anything. He does a lot of stuff just to get a reaction out of me or to make me sweat. Sometimes it works and other times I don’t feed into it because that’s just stuff I don’t care about. Like him not being there when me and Jimmy got back. I KNOW he did that to make some point. But that just didn’t matter to me. It wasn’t a big deal that your not home when I got home…the bigger issue to me is WHY your not here. Which is what? to teach me a lesson? It makes me feel a way. Like how another WHOLE adult going to for lack of a better word “punish” me. I guess.
He said he was going to move. Most of what’s in our house is mine anyways so it’s just what makes the most sense. Literally his clothes and TV but other than a few miscellaneous items everything is mine.
I told him Oct 30 that I wanted him to move out. You clearly see what day it is. He said originally that Nov 4th he would leave. But he said things were “really good” that week so basically he thought I changed my mind. NOPE. So I reopened the conversation like no I still want my space. He “packed” 85% of his stuff basically over the week or so later. But he hasn’t ACTUALLY MOVED ANTHING.
UNTIL the dinner situation the other night. I came home and noticed that a large majority of the clothes he had packed were now gone. He has been feeling a way since.