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Dear Maria:

From your sharing, this guy reads to me like a decent guy and that is promising, to me, in my thinking. That guy before, who wouldn’t hold hands when in a mall where he may meet his friends, not wanting his friends to see him holding hands with you (while being okay about it when in a place not likely to be seen by his friends), that is insulting, isn’t it?

On the other hand, this guy is okay with being seen by his friends holding hands with you and showing affection. I like that. It is decent and promising.

You mentioned the “missing piece in this puzzle”. I think that the missing piece is, for you (and correct me if I am wrong) is the Fantasy Piece. For as long as you wait for the fantasy piece to happen before you proceed, you will be waiting and waiting until the opportunity with this guy fades.

Fantasy is expecting him to say exactly what you need him to say, well, almost exactly. Unlike in a script for a play, you can’t decide how a conversation is going to take place, you say… he says… you say, and so on. Got to be open to … well, to real life.

Reads to me that he likes me. He is probably anxious too, at times, like you. He is probably lonely too at times, like you. He probably feels confused and doesn’t know what to say or do too, like you.

My suggestion is to get to know him, talk, share and listen to him. Little by little. Don’t adhere to a script.
