
Reply To: HELP Am I in a relationship but still in love with my ex? Cant figure it out!

HomeForumsRelationshipsHELP Am I in a relationship but still in love with my ex? Cant figure it out!Reply To: HELP Am I in a relationship but still in love with my ex? Cant figure it out!

Jenny Lynn

Yeah agreed.

Oh I don’t think that life is a prerecorded piece being played.

I do feel what your saying, I’m not preoccupied with the idea that a “gods” plan is already set. But I do feel that every one is dealt their own hand; and they must play it. This will project them certain directions. Its is all about choices and learning though.

Isn’t there a saying about if you dont learn from your mistakes your destined to repeat them or something like that.

& yeah we probably should leave John alone for a min