
Reply To: Stereotypical single mother: bitter

HomeForumsParentingStereotypical single mother: bitterReply To: Stereotypical single mother: bitter


Yes I too am a single mom.

Firstly and importantly yes it does get better and it all starts with your attitude.

I get what you mean but unfortunately that is just how it is sometimes.

You say your so stretched thin, you need to change that as you cannot feel good about yourself and your situation if you feeling so stressed. Self love indulge in yourself, you are worth it. self care look after yourself do nice things for just you. Even if it’s just 10mins.

You cannot and will never control those thoughts of others. They have absolutely no understanding of your situation , instead of focusing on them and him, focus on you self your mood your self love focus all the energy on yourself and your child as you two are the most important people to you. With practice daily practice it comes naturally and everytime you think about what they think or what he does etc purposely stop your thoughts and tell yourself u don’t need those toxic stressful thoughts and focus on what’s cool about you and your child- focus on something fun you can do together. And remind yourself they just don’t no the truth!