
Reply To: Being broken up with

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Hi L,

This whole relationship path can be very draining.  It is beginning to seem everyone has issues and a relationship is getting to know your partner well enough so you can cross the bridge together.  Which I feel takes a lot of work on both sidesp .  I have noticed when I am around people I don’t know well, I listen more than I talk and get a good sense of what they expect out of others.

I know you desperately want your boyfriend back, but is he what you actually need.  Did he make you happy easily, or did it take a lot of effort.  It also sounds like he is away a lot and you need more than he is able to give.

Think about what will make you happy, not what you need to do, or change to make him happy.  We both have made mistakes in our past relationships, but if both of our ex’s really loved & wanted us in their lives they would have tried a little harder rather than toss us to the curb.

I feel we both deserve better than what we thought we had in our ex’s and should move on. It’s not easy I know because it hurts so bad, but we need to move on.  I would like to talk to you because I feel we both are in such a close situation.
