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An update.
He contacted me because I had an important doctors appointment. Since then we had began talking again (without addressing the breakup issue) and talked every night on the phone until early morning.
I couldn’t hold myself back as I miss him dearly and got frustrated that he hadnt suggested we meet. We’ve now discussed the issue of him being unable to move out again and he’s very coldly concluded that nothing has changed. I have tried to suggest that I would even live alone in the meanwhile if he could aim to leave the parental home by the next three years (he’d be 30!)
I feel I have tried to compromise but no compromise has been made by the other half. I cannot understand how someone who supposedly loves me can so easily accept that our relationship is over because he cannot stand up to his parents, in fact he even told me they are unaware we had been talking again as they would disapprove .
I feel extremely deflated and lost to be so helpless in changing anything in this situation. How can he just accept that we can’t be together simply because his parents do not want him to move out the family house? Why won’t he just stand up to them when moving out of the house by 30 is clearly something normal to do?
I cannot bare the idea of no more contact etc but clearly he can (and I will go back to no contact now that he has clearly shown nothing has changed)
More advice please??