
Reply To: Really need some help

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In response to Anita – Thank you so much for your answer, your advice and words are very reassuring to hear. I understand that thoughts are not real and that they are not dangerous but what I find difficult is making a thought less scary.

I refer to your following sentence: “We are more likely to think about something we don’t want to think about. We therefore have to stop fearing our thoughts instead of trying to not think.”

I would really appreciate some suggestions that will enable me to do this. Thanks in advance 🙂


In response to coconut – I also want to thank you for your warm words. I appreciate that you took time out of your day to respond to my story. Luckily I do have a solid support base and I will take your advice and start journaling.

Your following sentence really empowered me and I will write this down in my journal. “You fear the fear and that’s because of your ideas you hold ABOUT the fear. Sure, it’s uncomfortable but that’s all. Thoughts are just thoughts, you have control of your own behaviour and of your own beliefs, so work on your beliefs about fear and your thoughts. You will get relief, it’s only temporary and nothing bad will happen.”