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Dear Priya:
Calm down best you can, this embarrassment will pass, things like this happen and life goes on.
Let’s say someone opened the door and saw you. Maybe the person doesn’t know you or didn’t recognize you. Maybe the person was shocked, embarrassed herself and left quickly, not even knowing it was you she (or he) saw.
Let’s say the person saw you and recognized it was you. It is only that one person who saw you. The whole episode was quick, so the observer didn’t see much, not in detail.
And then, if she tells others, the others will not be able to see you naked through the account of the one. If any of the others ever approach you with the story, you can say it didn’t happen.
In other words, if a person did see you and tells others, being unkind that way, you are under no obligation to verify the account, you can say it is not true. Sometimes lying is okay, and this is one of these times.
Taking into consideration all these things, it is not a terrible thing overall. These things happen to everyone, including to the person who opened that door! The humiliating feeling will go away with a bit of time. Post again if you need to.