
Reply To: Attracted to bad girls

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Dear Anita,

1. By that I meant that my experience is that most people even they say they want the “bad boy/girl” they enjoy the thrill of their partner being a challenge to them. that things don’t come easy and they have to work to earn their respect and everything in their relationship. This is of course false because these things tend to not work on the lond run but I found that most people find a much stronger sexual chemistry when they have to work ata  relationship and not everything just falls into their lap. Even my previous girlfriend said this to me that it annoys her that I am not a “bad body” and I am not challenging, because “everything works perfectly fine and this is boring”. I think she meant what I desribed above in not so well communicated way.

2. It only occured to me when I was 20-21, when I started to came to them for guidance regarding relationships, intimacy. To me it seemed perfectly reasonable since hey, they have everything perfect so they could give me the best advice. Or so I thought. In mothers opinion it is completely normal that women want less sex and this was always the case in the world. Father wanted to have more but I think he repressed this in himself and found other ways to make himself feel important. He never cheated, in that I am sure. He focused on giving to his family, growing his business and this I think never got solved. They told me there were times when this question was sort of good, but mostly life got into the way. We never really saw this frustration at home. He mostly just told me about it privately. He said the same thing that it is normal that men want to have more sex and this is just the way things are and there is no use getting angry over it, although I saw the sadness and frustration on him when he told me this privately. So in short, father repressed it and foudn his joy in giving to his family and work, and mother was probably a bit frustrated because she felt like she can’t give to his husband as much as he want. We never really saw anything of this. I’ve only knowsn about this since like 3 years.