
Reply To: Lost

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Hi Eeman,

This is a personal decision for you and my suggestion is to find stillness and listen to what your inner true Self is telling you, and not your ego. Your inner Self will guide you to take the path that maximizes your soul growth, and you can only know what that is by going within.

Whatever decision you make, take responsibility for it without regret, which means, be fully present to the experience. If you get back together with him, love him fully and without judgement. If you move on without him, be fully present to that journey and enjoy every moment.

As humans, we tend to take a path that is safe in order to protect ourselves. This had merit when we were cave dwellers, but these days there are no sabre tooth tigers trying to kill us.

Which choice you make really does not matter – at one point or another people and/or circumstances will hurt us but that is the journey of life.

What’s important is how you deal with it. And the self-love that you are doing is key, but I’m curious about your comment that you’re finding self-love ‘tiring’. Self-love is loving and accepting yourself without conditions, there is no time limit to this practice.
