
Reply To: In love with my colleague

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Thank you so much for the comments. I’ve considered everything you’ve stated.

There is a certain frailty about him, and he likely isn’t good husband material. Nonetheless, my heart says yes. And yes, I am grateful that I still get to see him every day.

He likely does need a relationship within the bounds of certain rules and boundaries. I have already attended his church to see if I could handle it. I can, but it seems to me his beliefs are rooted in a deep fear of himself.

I have been trying to date, but it is difficult with young kids of my own. Whereas with him, we are at the same stage in life.

I think the path forward is to try to meet someone else, but to say yes and be open to whatever he proposes, whether that be just an occasional walk or a deeper friendship.

Thanks again!

  • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Stargazer.