
Reply To: Gossip in the Workplace

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Dear Lispol:

Reads to me that you made mistakes in the workplace but so  did everyone else there, all your co workers, including the office manager. Everyone there has been talking too much, gossiping, sharing too much personal information- business as usual.

If I magically appeared in your workplace tomorrow, as an employee, I will find myself- as you found  yourself- in an impossible situation: if I don’t gossip- I will be ostracized immediately, if I do gossip I will be ostracized a bit later. I don’t think anyone there (except maybe the top member of the clique) is safe for long from being talked about, and not in kind ways.

You listed your mistakes. Every one of your co workers has their own list, and every list keeps growing, yet every person keeps getting a paycheck that keeps you all together.
