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Hi Berfiniel!
1-Does patience really leads to salvation?
Patience is something that is calming and healing for yourself. I think this works both ways. Once you’ve started healing and growing and beginning your own spiritual journey, patience will find you. We often lack patience because we feel we’re in a rush and it creates anxiety about the future no matter how far or near that future is – But the truth is, we can’t control the future. When we live in the future it causes anxiety and leads to impatience. Once you’ve started your healing and surrender a need for control, you realize that what is happening now, was meant to happen now. You can’t change, rush, or slow down time, so just being present and practicing patience will bring a sense of calmness to your own soul. Everything we ask for, or manifest, or work towards, requires patience with the universe. In terms of it leading to salvation, I think this depends on your own personal beliefs, but I think patience would definitely play a part.
2-Does taking medicine affect our chakras in a bad way?
This depends on what kind of medication and how often you’re taking it – there are plenty of herbal remedies which can actually help your chakras. Everything affects our bodies which affects our souls and chakras. For example, caffeine and dairy calcify your pineal gland which affects your third eye and intuition. We should be mindful of all things we put in our bodies, from medicine and even to food.
3-How can i find a meaning in life?
Take a step back and surrender to your spirituality. Let your soul lead you towards the things you love and are passionate about. When we start truly finding and being our authentic selves, our souls start to gravitate to things and people that feed that. Be open to new adventures and possibilities – Submerge yourself in learning about your spirituality and where you come from and what you feel inside. Spirituality and finding our life purpose requires A LOT of INTROSPECTION. You have to look inside yourself and ask why. Why am I working this job, Why am I friends with this person, Why am I doing what I’m doing, and be open to the real, raw and authentic answer your soul gives and if it doesn’t feel like it aligns with you, then something has to change. Once we’re living in alignment with our true selves, and we shed the fear of wanting to fit in, and replace it with true self-love and acceptance, it brings purpose and meaning into the light.
4-How can i improve myself in *this* way?
This was a question I asked when I first started my spiritual awakening. I started reading and learning and reading about other people’s journies. It lead me to become a spiritual coach so I could help others in their journey. There are many coaches, healers, lightworkers and personal growth experts to learn from and/or be mentored by. It takes a willingness to heal and feel pain to release it and make room for love and acceptance. If you want to improve and grow, you will. Just by posting on here, you’re putting that into the universe, and if you listen closely enough, your spirit guides and intuition will help you find your way <3