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Dear Reader:
In my very first post where I pasted numbers from Worldometer regarding the pandemic was in my thread Coronavirus, in March 19, 2020, almost a year ago. I will now compare the numbers from that post, to the numbers of yesterday, March 5, 2021:
March 19, 2020: “Coronavirus cases world-wide: 236,921. Total deaths worldwide: 9,829“.
March 5, 2021: coronavirus cases world-wide: 116,870,580. Total deaths worldwide: 2,595,204 (approx.. 260 times increase/ 26000% increase of total deaths).
March 19, 2020, counties in order of most cases to least, first number is the number of total coronavirus cases; the second number, in parenthesis, is number of deaths: “China: 80,928 (3,245), Italy: 41,036 (3,405), Iran: 18,407 (1,284), Spain: 17,395 (803), Germany: 14,544 (43), USA 11,355 (171)… UK: 2,692 (137)”.
March 5, 2021, countries listed in the same order as the above: China: 89,962 (4,636), Italy: 3,046,762 (99,578), Iran: 1,681,682 (60,594), Spain: 3,149,012 (71,138), Germany: 2,497,067 (72,356), USA: 29,606,735 (535,908), UK: 4,213,343 (124,419).