
Reply To: Really struggling

HomeForumsTough TimesReally strugglingReply To: Really struggling


Hi Anita,

I agree with the 3 factors you identified. I am definitely feeling pessimistic, especially about my job search. I definitely feel regret and find myself wondering what my life might have been like had I never pursued my doctorate. And…I am definitely feeling overwhelmed. I find it crazy to think how obsessed and overwhelmed I felt about moving for a job that I was not even offered!

I think the factor that is distressing me the most is the pessimism factor. I have regret, but at the same time I realize I do not have a time machine so I cannot change the past. I feel overwhelmed at times, but I can recall many times where I felt in control. However, pessimism seems to be the most constant factor. At times I fall asleep only to quickly awaken to a racing heart and fear that I will not find and secure a good fulltime job. I have read quite a few articles about job searches and depression/anxiety and often they conclude by saying one’s job search will eventually come to an end and you will find employment. However, I find myself thinking I will be the exception. Or that the employment I end up in will be in something I have absolutely no interest in. Occasionally I am able to shake the feeling, but then it returns, sometimes with a vengeance. Today has been one of those days. I have struggled to get myself up off my couch. Replying to these posts is about the first productive thing I have done all day. I told my partner I am exhausted with my job search. I look for opportunities basically every single day and spend time trying to figure out what I want to do next.

My guess is there are other factors fueling my anxiety and depression…I am going to give it some more thought and will post more if/when things come to mind.

Thank you for your reply.
