



Dear Gregory:

I think I am a good judge of character. I usually have a quick gut instinct about others, and I think I generally make wise decisions about the people I surround myself with!” – good thing, Gregory!

Anita, thanks very well described literature with a sense of reasoning. Its beyond and clearer” – you are welcome and thank you for all your kind words!

The way you dress, and the way speak are accurate representation of how you view yourself… Behind every system of actions are systems of beliefs.  The system of a democracy is founded on beliefs like freedom, majority rule, and social equality” – more wisdom from Gregory, thank you!

Every living being has its own methods for sensing and understanding the world. Eagles have remarkable long-distance vision. Snakes can smell by” tasting the air” with their highly sensitive tongues. Sharks can detect some amount of electricity and vibration in the water caused by nearby fish.  Even bacteria have chemoreceptors – tiny sensory cells that allow them to detect toxic chemicals in the environment. In humans, perception is detected by the sensory nervous system. We perceive the world through (vision), sound, smell, touch and taste…  –  George Orwell said that to see what’s in front of one’s nose requires a constant struggle” – and yet, more wisdom, and an excellent point that I want to elaborate on: as humans we can sense the world with our five senses, and we have intelligence superior to all other living things, making it possible for us to perceive and understand the world in ways that are not possible for any other animal. And yet, we humans often fail to see what is in front of our noses!

We are blind to what we cannot or do not want to see about ourselves and the people in our lives. This blindness causes lots of misery, illness and death in the midst of advanced, intelligent technology. We primarily do not want to see what is painful to see: our own desperation, our own pain, the selfishness of a parent, the suffering or someone we love, etc.

Our generation adapted a system of East Africa – very Immoral generation… they don’t value marriage nowadays.  With this let me put u into this and you will concur with me. In South Sudan, and Dinka culture in particular, men pay a lot of cows in order to marry. Take an example the picture you see above again, I have extremely suffered again to pay a dowry of 195 heads of cattle. Which is 200 cows again. But the worst part of it, girls still go for their ex-bf, not her, but some whom I even know… While they were girls, they got addicted to fornication and even after marriage they still practice those things with their exs. Stupid generation!!!” –

-I “hear” your pain and frustration with the diminishing of values in your culture (and the world at large). I concur with you that women who betray the men who pay such dowries for them are wrong and cause a lot of pain to the decent men who work so hard to pay such dowries! Good to read that your fiancée is not one to do such a wrong!

Happiness is contagious, so if you are happy, your child will be happy with you. So, stay happy and let your child see that despite various problems that life throws at him when he grows older, he can always find a reason to be happy” – oh, how I wish that every parent read your words and practiced them. It is very, very painful for a child to watch his/ her parent being miserable, and when a parent expresses misery repeatedly, for a long time, it affects the child negatively for a lifetime! It is very important that parents contain the expressions of their dissatisfaction with life, and model to the child the attitude of being able to successfully solve various problems and to successfully manage problems that cannot be solved.

Raising a child to be a responsible young person and having a happy mindset is not easy… Am I clear Anita? Am I saying facts to be heard, and seen? And this I’m a real icon man who loves one woman, who believed ladies are the same everywhere… I know it will require time to settle down first and through it again Anita. Be blessed. Gregory” -I think that you are indeed clear, and I do hear you! I very much hope that you settle down into a good marriage, that you and your fiancée/ future wife continue to be good to each other, that you continue to be a good father to both your sons, and that you find ways to teach other men to be good fathers to their children. Maybe your future wife will be able to teach other women the importance of loyalty to their husbands, as well as the importance of being good mothers to their children.

Thank you for wishing me to be blessed, I wish you the same!
