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Yes I suppose I would “settle” with my fiancé. I hate to think of it in terms of “settling” because like I’ve said he is an amazing individual. but yes, in the areas of sexual chemistry and general feelings of desire, I would be settling.
What am I to do? There are many things I can do I suppose. I know that the right thing to do would be to give my relationship with my fiancé as fair of a chance as possible before calling it quits. That would look like really trying to fan the flame of passion and sexual fulfillment in our lives and to get back to a place of desiring each other.
i recognize that part of the reason the sexual chemistry between G and I was so great is because I, on a personal level was feeling so confident in myself at the time; and sexy. I was taking care of myself by working out and doing the things that made me feel sexy! so that is something I could attempt to incorporate into our relationship and see if that helps ??
Or, I could just end the relationship to pursue one with G. Which to me and to I think any person would seem like an absolutely stupid idea because why would I leave my fiancé with whom I have started a family and have a generally good relationship with, to be with someone I really do not know on any REAL level but made me feel good sexually and made me feel flirty and fun. That just doesn’t seem like the right way to go. But I do know that in the back of my head I will always wonder about what could have been.