
Reply To: Feeling Guilt & Shame

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Hi Helcat,

Thank you for your response. I think I agree that I also wouldn’t label it as “cheating.” With that being said, I don’t think it would be a good idea to tell my partner and I don’t think he would react in a positive way.

I think it would breed insecurity and problems that could’ve been avoided between us. I never would’ve done something like this with a complete stranger or even an acquaintance.

I don’t want to hurt him for the sole reason of relieving my guilt, I don’t think it’s worth it. I also don’t think I have a challenge with trust and loyalty because I’ve never put myself in a position to harm my relationship or hurt my significant other before this.

I feel like it was a combination of alcohol and the fact that it’d been four years and this was someone who meant a lot to me once upon a time. I messed up, it was completely wrong. But telling him won’t change it and he might even think it meant more than it actually did and that would breed entirely new problems.

In this case, would you still suggest that? Or do you think I’m making the right decision in not telling him?