
Reply To: Sudden Loss of Feeling and Connection with Partner

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Dear Laine:

I am returning to your thread and it is okay with me if you don’t reply. Maybe reading the following will be helpful to you. I don’t think it can hurt you, so here it is:

I didn’t feel very seen by my parents growing up and beyond. My mom can be very self-absorbed and distractible“- in my 2nd post to you, six days ago, I wrote: “your experience with your parents when you were 4, 5, 6.. (your first decade of your life), was different from the totality of your 3 decades experience with them which you remember now“.

Today, I am thinking about your 1st decade experience: It is in young children’s nature to see themselves as the cause of what happens around them; to take responsibility for what they are not responsible for. When your mother was very self-absorbed etc., that is, severely inattentive to you, you probably felt back then that it was your fault, that you somehow rejected her and that she reacted to your rejection the way she did. And you felt guilty for (in your child misperception) rejecting her.  Also, during your first decade of life, you had a strong thirst for your mother’s attention and for the closeness you’d feel to her if you had her attention. So, two things: Guilt and Thirst.

Fast forward, as an adult, your pattern in romantic relationships has been “marked by feeling really invested and into a person“- driven by the Thirst for attention and closeness I mentioned above, “then having my feelings quickly change, experiencing a need to flee, escape“- driven by the Guilt I mentioned above. The thought under the surface may be something like: if I continue to enjoy closeness with this man, that would make me a bad girl, a bad daughter for choosing closeness with this man after rejecting my own mother!  So you end the relationship with the man/ partner, so to be a good girl, a good daughter. It is a sort of unfinished business (to feel close with your mother) that you need to be attended to before you are allowed- by your conscience- closeness with a partner.

I’ve left both times considering moving back down south to be closer to them. Maybe it’s also partially that my partner can’t fill that emptiness I experience“- you’ve been considering finishing that unfinished business of.. finally accepting your mother (based on the misperception that you were the one who rejected her).

I hope that you resist the urge to end the relationship with your partner and that you attend quality psychotherapy to help you with your emotional struggle.
