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“the way I understand it, is that you got used to being a big time loner. It became an emotional habit. College made a temporary difference, and now, you are back to your emotional habit of feeling lonely, sad and scared.”
I do not feel the same, in fact the opposite, I feel scared to be alone now. However, since the breakup everything seems extra lonely and I do not wish to meet any of my old friends except my bestfriends.
” limiting in what way?”
Limiting as in they are I realize very limited in their thinking and unambitious. I realized they affected me so much that after coming to college the momentum I had built went stagnant. Conversely, the thing is I never have had stability in life. Maybe the stability of these friends also turned me stagnant. however, I realize that I wish to find new people and grow
“what are you looking for in new (unlimiting) friends?”
People who are ambitious and goal oriented or at least in places that will be beneficial and social for me. in fact I want any new friend so I can get into a new social circle.