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<p style=”text-align: left;”>it was in real life and unfortunately these girls just weren’t looking for anything. I know i don’t come off bad to women because we met through classes and in those classes we’d hang out and chat. Two days ago I hung out with a girl i was interested in for like 6 hours, she seemed to be having fun and I was making her laugh a lot she seemed super comfortable. sadly early on, like one of the first things she said, was she had a boyfriend, which recently is an extremely common occurrence. 12 is wrong i was writing this in self pity, a more realistic number is probably like 4 and one of them was actually my fault, the others was on these girls. I’ve made friends with so many girls this semester and gotten so many numbers, but almost everyone ive met, who doesn’t ghost me, that i’m interested in, is taken or just doesn’t want me. The best part is Ive become friends with all the girls who had boyfriends so obviously Im not coming off as a creepy incel or anything, but it doesn’t help. It feels like im just unlovable from a romantic level at this point, I have plenty of friends and people really seem to like me (I don’t know why) but nobody loves me physically or romantically and it feels like i’m broken. I hate being this lonely… but women have also been attracted to me (not a lot) but women that aren’t really what i want in a partner. It’s like I can’t get what i want in a partner, maybe because i’m not good enough for what i want? i don’t know i just wish something would work out. I know self pity parties are cringe which is why i can only talk about this online, so thanks for reaching out</p>