
Reply To: Desire for Different Experiences

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Hi YoungMufasa

There is nothing wrong with dating short term if you communicate that is your intention from the beginning.

Porn is not the same as sex. So I would go into the experience expecting for the sexual act to be different. Everyone likes something different. Women take foreplay (sometimes quite a lot) in order to enjoy the experience. Ask for directions from the woman. Does it need to be softer or slower, or would they like for things to be more intense. Even the same woman at different times in her cycle may need different things. Things get more and less sensitive and the cervix moves. So every time, check in with her that she is comfortable.

Use a condom at all times! It will take some getting used to and will feel different, less sensitive. When things are less sensitive you will be tempted to go harder to feel more. It is extremely important for this to occur at the right moment when the woman is ready for it. This is why communication with how the woman is doing is very important.

I have a question. In the future, when you are ready to settle down would you ever consider marrying someone from these races? If not, you might be treating them like pornography.

Women are people and they respond best to being treat like people. Talk to them, get to know them. Have fun together and enjoy the experience of short-term dating.

Sadly pornography isn’t always ethical and mistreats the actors. People often need to be on drugs to get through scenes. Because they are acting, pretending to enjoy it. There is ethical pornography out there if you are interested in finding it.

Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏