
Reply To: Haunted by What Ifs

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Life is short, live for today and you will be happy!

We all live with regrets, some more than others. People who live in the past find it much harder to find happiness. I’m in that boat, trying to oar away as much as I can. I wanted to leave my husband, had a great opportunity to do it, but I didn’t. Then I spent a whole year regretting that decision, I was living so much in that self pity and anger, that I never realized the other opportunities that were coming my way, that I could have used to convert the situation to suit me, but I didn’t.

I’m slowly trying to come out of that rut. Meditation helps, also gratitude. Every time your mind wavers to what could have been, force it think of all the positive you have today. Tell yourself, the past is gone, you can’t go back in time and change that.

You were meant to have this relationship, live it to the fullest.

Take care and all the best.