@Blaice Your so right, this hasn’t been just dealing with a break up, it puts doubts in your mind, your heart and your soul about who you are as a person. So now my journey is to believe and trust in myself again He may have taken a year out of life, but every day I remind myself I will not let him take another. I will not give him that power. It’s a struggle, deep inside there’s a joy of life with myself that I am missing and that is what I am trying to find again, and appreciate all I have around me, all the support and love I’ve always had. I know that I will heal in time and when the time is right and I feel confident within myself will I be able to allow someone else into my life. This will not stop me from trusting another or giving myself 100 percent to someone else, as that would be unfair to me. The pain is less every day and Im realizing there is no right way to go through this, I do what I feel I need to do that day, happy then im’ happy , sad then i’m sad but never will I blame myself fro his actions and his neediness or insecurities. To be honest, I wouldn’t want him to contact me in any way as it would not help me move forward.
- This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by sylvie.