
Reply To: Having a hard time finding my calling

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Hey Kelsi, I would try to think back to what made you pick the major in the first place and be completely honest with yourself. Was it because it is a field that is high in demand and you will surely get a job and make good income? is it because you want to help people and if so, how? I see you included that you promote overall health but you also said you can’t picture yourself doing any of those. My opinion is that at 21 you are more ahead of the game than anyone else. You already know for sure that the health field is not the one for you, you made the move and not many people have the guts to do that. Don’t let fear and anxiety get the best of you for you will find your path. Fear and anxiety are just mental blocks your ego puts in front of you to make you believe that you are doing the incorrect thing. Continue on your path and dont let fear get in the way. I think you are doing the best thing for you. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders. It is your life and no one is going to live it for you. You are totally blessed, good for you and believe in yourself like you have been. You go girl.