
Reply To: Having a tough time coping with breakup

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Your story is VERY similar to mine, that is, the reason behind the break-up. I do not maintain any contact with the person who broke my heart. It was tough. I did what you did. Text message here and there in the moment of weakness. I was with him for 4 years and he broke up with me for the same reason he broke up with you. Just recently I have come to accept the break-up. I was in denial and hoping he would fight for us although he did tell me he did not love me anymore. My story is very confusing and long but the point is, we have to move on. Sometimes the fight is not worth it. I would have fought my family for him if they didn’t accept him but he straight out told me he would not. So I am in a lose-lose situation and it was inevitable we go our separate ways. I know your pain. I went through that EXACT pain but I have come to terms with it after 5 LONG months of crying and hoping he would come back to me.
I made a list of why I think the relationship would and would not work and to my surprise there were more “it will not work” than “it will work.” I got rid of everything that reminded me of him (finally!) because I don’t think there is anything that can salvage this relationship. He doesn’t contact me and I don’t contact him. If he has moved on, I am happy for him because I think I have finally forgave him. If I am happy for him, then I think I can be happy for myself. I need to take control of my life and work towards my career goals and not let a guy who I thought was my soul-mate to take that away from me. I wouldn’t wish this pain on anyone but it is part of life and I realize now that I went through all this for a reason, and that is, to be a stronger person for myself. I hope it helps. You are not alone!