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JWs can be such great teachers, as they have a religious, bible based spiritual materialism. Like, as you’ve noticed, ego ego ego, and anything that doesn’t fit is exiled, shamed, cut out. Like a cocoon they have to wrap themselves in. As though a nutcracker isn’t God. As though God wouldn’t be right there with the boy, eating yogurt alongside, happy and celebrating her wonderful creation. Instead, they concentrate on the fear, wield it in the name of holy righteousness and purity. Losing the trees in the forest, concentrating on being godly yet shutting out 75% of her creation.

In my opinion, do exactly what you’ve been doing. If invited, open yourself up to your inner divinity and say whatever comes to heart when he preaches. “Wow, you sure seem to have become cultish. You ok?” Sure, fine, sounds good. “Jesus only wanted his apostles to do “the work”? Then why are you doing “the work”? Brilliant, a well thrown spear. I trust your goddessy vibration, that in the moment you are needed, you will know what to do.

As far as the dreams, stress, and fear, consider that JW aren’t converting, so much as filling a need he had. Not in a functional way, but still their plug reached his empty socket. The conclusion I’ve drawn from experience with many JW, both preachy ones and kind ones, is that young people need strict rules until they grow up. Like, JW is like spiritual kindergarten, fulfilling a need in humanity. They are still divine, lovable, beautiful, doing their best to be spiritual beings in material plane. Weird, sure. Many clingings, sure. Like kids, they think they know it all, and have much, much to learn.

But its not yours. Yours is the loving work of getting a present in the boys hands. To see and love the tree. And you do well, are sneaky and creatively brilliant. He felt loved, attended, and seen. There are certainly worse preoccupations his dad could have. Worse addictions.

With warmth,