
Reply To: Any one else working on a creative project with a long time frame?

HomeForumsArtAny one else working on a creative project with a long time frame?Reply To: Any one else working on a creative project with a long time frame?


Hi J,

I wish you very good luck with your business project. I know exactly what you mean about comparing yourself to other artists. I have a quote up near my computer that says “You don’t have to be better than everybody else, you should strive to be better than you ever thought you could be”.

I figure that the more I write the more I learn. I went to a talk by an author and he said it was his sixth novel that was the first to be published. I would like to be published one day, because I would like people to read what I write – for it to be out there, but for now writing is enough.

I also feel like the writing is therapeutic for me. I always wrote when I was feeling low and I think writing a whole book is me trying to piece things together, a way of working through things in my mind.

What’s the next step for you with your project?
