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Hi Maria,
It’s been months since I’ve visited this site and your post just happened to be the first one I laid my eyes on when logging in. I really feel for you. You know there is so much potential for you outside of this relationship–you’re only 26!! I do believe that vast age differences in relationships can work, but as you mention, you have to be on the same page. The feeling of love can only carry a relationship so far–if there are fundamental differences such as the desire for family, religious beliefs, etc., those don’t bode well for even the most loving partnerships. You have SO much ahead of you, things that he has already achieved in life and has no interest in pursuing.
It may not feel like it but you sound like you’re in a very good place. You already seem to have the clarity you seek and like you know what you want out of life, which is pretty impressive to have figured out in your 20s. You should really take this time apart to see how you get along on your own, without him, and focus on the goals you’ve set for yourself. I promise you if you keep busy with school and making plans for your future, and make sure to nurture yourself physically, mentally and spiritually, this will become less and less painful with time. I know it hurts now but you will eventually be able to look back on this relationship with gratitude for the good times and the lessons learned. You’re absolutely on the right track.