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Oh dear, indeed.
Truth is stranger than fiction: I think Glenda is for real, and stranger than fiction. It is almost, no it is quite funny unless Glenda gets her hands on a dangerous weapon.
Laure, I like your input, makes sense. Jack, thank you- you know I do worry, of course. I like it that you know when I do.
Inky: I like it that you don’t believe in hell, the after death kind, anyway. I thought all Born Again Christians believe in hell. I thought all Christians believe in hell. This is teaching me to get even farther from grouping people and staying away myself from grouping myself. I don’t believe in a biblical god or in the bible as the word of a god. I believe the bible is a collection of many books written by people who projected an Inner Self (Jack) into an “objective” reality. If I say I am an atheist this may mean one thing to one person and another to other people. So it is not worthwhile for me to present myself as an atheist, better just explain in a few sentences as I just did.
Glenda: here is my .. prayer for you:
God whom I do not believe in, Almighty Father in Heaven of which I do not believe in, forgive Glenda who I do believe exists. She knows not what she does or says. I honestly tried to shed some light into this sad and dark place in between Glenda’s ears but I’ve failed. But that won’t stop me trying some more.
Here is my trying some more, then: Glenda, are you married to the man you have been living with for about ten years? Or are you fornicating?
Walk your talk and talk your walk. And please, do-no-harm.
Look inside you, Glenda and repent and be good to yourself. Do no harm to others. Please.