
Reply To: Estranged from my Daughter

HomeForumsRelationshipsEstranged from my DaughterReply To: Estranged from my Daughter


Hi Treen,
I think some of the suggestions by others were very good, particularly regarding non-disclosure about certain aspects of your divorce, to your daughter. However, there could be something else going on. Has it occurred to you that perhaps your ex-husband has not necessarily practised the non-disclosure as well as you have? Maybe he has disclosed certain things (or even made something up about you, or just put some extra colour on something) because clearly your daughter ‘knows’ what she’s annoyed about and is waiting for you to come forward and talk about this. However, as you say, you don’t know what it is. Obviously people divorce for a reason, and afterwards the two people go their separate ways. While its true you may be going down a more enjoyable path for yourself and your daughter doesn’t like it, this would seem a poor reason to become estranged from her Mother. It could be this of course – your daughter may only know one side of you – as a mother and wife, and now has to discover this other side to you, a side that she feels just ‘isn’t you’. Another obvious suggestion is the influence of your daughter’s new husband on her thoughts regarding you. Maybe she’s embarrassed, but maybe also jealous of you. I hope you work it out. Perhaps, since her new husband is so nice, you might be able to find out what’s wrong from him?