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I want to be honest so that I can truly learn from my mistakes and make good decisions. I began feeling really guilty for not calling him so I gave into the pressure and did. He told me that he loves me and he was hoping that we can take the relationship slow. He sounded upset that he hadn’t heard from me. I agreed to meet with him yesterday and when we began to talk about the relationship everything he said before about our relationship had changed. He said he still wanted to take things slow with us but that he wants to focus more on the friendship and that his feelings for me and his decision to get back together with me might change , that it was a possibility. I asked him about boundaries like whether he would be dating other people and he really didn’t have a solid answer for me. After this we went to eat and spent some alone time together which was nice. He told me that he needs/wants me in his life and that he wants me to be the mother of his children. We kissed and did other really intimate things and I ended up spending the night at his house. Last night, I was driving back to his house in which he was sleeping in the passenger seat. His phone buzzed and got a text from some girl. I don’t know who it was but I am sure he is speaking to other girl and maybe this is why he is hesitant to commit to me fully? This morning when I woke up he asked to see me again and I told him that I would have to think about everything because he wasn’t very clear on what he wanted to do with our relationship. He asked me to call him in a week and that he would have the exact plan and exact guidelines for what he intends with me and the relationship. He is asking me to call him because I refused to give him my new contact info. It is kind of messed up but parts of me really do love him and would love to get back together, it’s just that I see that he really is so unsure about me and I need someone who will choose me without hesitation. I am debating on whether or not to call him, I feel like after everything we did yesterday it would be really bitchy to not call and to ignore him. And another part of me is saying that if I truly want to be with him I need to let him go so he can be afraid of losing me and realize what he lost. Help?