
Reply To: Still trying to let go of one-sided love

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This is my first post here. While I have not been in exactly the same situation, I have been through something which I will call similar. If you are looking and OK with something physical only with that person, you should not feel guilty about being intimate with them. However, as your post indicates this is not the case, something purely physical is not honoring your true self. You should tell them this if they attempt to contact you again. If you feel the two of you have/had more of a connection than that, tell the person what you think the connection is, without sounding desperate or angry. You can trust your intuition here. If they are not ready to honor that connection, they should definitely not be in your life. You do not need to feel badly about yourself even for a second for trusting in something you felt at any point. However, you should be true and honest with yourself about who that person is, and with that person about what you are about. You do not have to allow this person to contact you at will as some sort of booty call if you don’t want that. Trust yourself that you have the strength to take care of you 🙂