
Reply To: Saving myself from pain or wasting time

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Hey Eli :),
It seems like ages I logged in last. Trust me, whatever it is, the page and your helping words were always with me throughout this time (just got hell lot busy with work)! 🙂

To start with, I feel good Eli…..yes, I believe that tells a lot. I am still single and not in a hurry to get along with someone. Importantly, right now I don’t have that urge which is working for me :).
I realized – you don’t have to be in pain and sorrow for WHATEVER happened before. You got one life, it’s yours and the happiness of it should not depend on anything else other than you. As you rightly said, irrespective from who you are, from where you belong or whatever you do or whatever your socio-economic status is or whatever the hell the reason is – the feelings are basic and it can be felt and understood who has once gone through it. We even feel that urge to help others like the way it happened when you ‘registered’ just to reply to me because you also felt the same :). Fact is that pain is hard but also we should understand we are not the only one and this is not the last time that we are feeling it. It just comes in different forms. So if that is the case and feelings are more generalized like this then you can choose not to be in pain, not necessarily. And to recover from it you just need to try and ‘importantly’ try to get something helpful from it by thinking and tuning yourself in the right way. One good thing is when we share happiness it grows and sorrow, pain – they just become less every time. For me, my friends knew about me but it was someone whom I didn’t know and then we connected and got the same helpful advice that actually made me realize that everything comes down to me and no one else. Opening up to a stranger and getting their views was an eye-opener for me that I may be wasting time. I would like to tell everyone that guys, it’s hard but definitely you can do it and it’s worth it. Just try it (and try genuinely). We all are born and grow up with people around us and try to attach our expectation and likes and dislikes around them WHICH again depends only on our thoughts when they also have their own ideas about happiness. So it is just pretty natural, actually almost all of them, that they collide, heartbreaks happen and by that time we would have spent such a long time and get obsessed by it that we feel like everything is lost. But that’s not at tall true. All your sufferings and pains are created by your own behavior and those go away with you. No one gives a damn about it when you are not there so why would you.

Lastly, I kind of feel good about myself because I am no longer thinking about the phase or I am trying to get a logical explanation of what was happening. Most of all I try to make myself busy and not to think about it. After some time it would stop coming. There are so many things in this world that you can get engaged with and time would fly before you know it. Just think of the parallel universe that what if he/she had not been a part of your life? How would that be like…..and believe me the world is waiting to accept you with open arms and give you such good surprises, feelings or moments that your ‘just one life’ would be JUST TOO SHORT to have all of them!! 🙂 Last words of Karma, Its up to you about what you want to feel for the most of the part of your life, so choose intelligently and live happy.

(P.S. Is it chemical…I have serious doubts…??!! :D)

God Bless!!
