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I can hear the concern that if we do not “digest” the synchronized moment, we are somehow disregarding the information the universe is offering us… which might lead us down the wrong path. I respect the question, and can understand why it would be confusing!

Imagine for a moment that our life is much like a pinball loose on a pinball table. Moments of synchronicity are like seeing the bumpers, where the momentum (openness) of our being connects with the table. The connection is inherently shifting our direction as it is moving us into the next arc of development.

If we try to cling to the bumper as a “sign” we are meant to go “that” direction, we slow the momentum. It isn’t that we ignore the signs, its just that as we move along the table and open more and more, reality becomes explicitly synchronistic and full of “umm, here you are, wake up” guidance. It isn’t a material destination or some type of divination, rather the facilitation of our awakening as a community of divine beings.

For instance, if we think about NYC all the time, and remain open, we will experience NYC synchronicity. This doesn’t mean that NYC is our destiny, rather there is something to learn about our relationship to NYC. As we learn and settle the attachment keeping NYC on the mind all the time, we move on. Said differently, spinning thoughts about NYC or not NYC prevent us from seeing the guidance all around us… because instead of seeing, we’re busy thinking. When we let go (trust) and let the ball and the table do their job and let our job remain staying/becoming more open, we become more joyous. Then NYC or not NYC becomes immaterial, because where ever you go, there you are. And with you, the openness that allows joy and wisdom to flow through. Then, if you want NYC you will be open enough to see the shiny path that leads you there.

With warmth,