
After 6 yrs dumped

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    Sorry in Advance for the Late Post:

    Hi Everyone, I’m a newbie to this site, and I’m glad I found it because I feel that I’m going to get honest and caring answers 🙂
    Anyway, My boyfriend and I have been dating for 6 years of course there was arguments and ups and downs, that comes with any relationship, but two weeks ago I saw a dramatic change. My boyfriend started to become distant, he wouldn’t respond to my calls, texts and he completely withdrawled.
    We did get into a little petty argument over him excessively playing video games with friends and I of course expressed my feelings towards it, but it was nothing that would cause a break up. So I let him have his space all week and Saturday he finally answered the phone and I asked what’s going on? Is the distance indicating that you want to be single? He said several times, I’ll talk to you later, but I didn’t want to talk later (yes, I’m that girl) I wanted answers right then and I felt that I deserved one after walking around like a lost puppy not knowing what’s going on. So in result he basically said YES SINCE YOU DON”T WANT TO TALK LATER, it killed me. We didn’t talk Sunday, but he texted me Monday morning apologizing saying he never wanted to break up and he’s sorry for being a jerk, ” I’m too good for him” you know the typical apology, and asked for forgiveness. I wanted to make him wait, as he did me so I didn’t reply until Friday (Which I regret). I thought we would be able to exchange the “I love you’s and move forward but that didn’t happen. He explained how much he loved me, but gave me the “you deserve better bit” I hope you find your prince charming, and said he was very confused because he didn’t know if he was making the right decision. I told him how I felt by saying if you want to work things out say that, but if you don’t then let it be, because now I feel like my feelings are being played with. He didn’t respond to me until the next morning(Saturday) and the text went: I’m sorry for making you feel that way, but I think we should just end it, it’s too much for me. So that was it, we officially broke up. I felt that it was coming by his text messages, but I never thought we would really break up. He talked about marriage, children having a future together. Just that past Sunday we had a romantic dinner and everything was pure Bliss, then all of sudden he changed on me. Some people are saying don’t look at this as the end, maybe more of a break. But when your’e in love, it kinda feels like the end, but at the same time it doesn’t. If you were to see us walking down the street you would be like wow, they are so in love, because its true. He got really emotional about it, and he did say that he’s been “going through” some things. But I never thought that he would really break up with me. Also, I wanted to know has anyone dealt with something like this, and then a few weeks later was proposed to? Some people are also saying that he may be having cold feet and running from commitment because of how strong we are, and where we could be heading.

    All advice would be great!
    Thanks 🙂



    I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through this, I can only imagine how you must feel. I think it’s important that you take a step back from the relationship, and really analyze it from a non-judgemental perspective. What do you need from a relationship and were those needs being met? The same question goes for your partner, what does he need and were those needs being met? I think we tend to get ourselves into some trouble when we assume everything is going well, when really sometimes we’re afraid to admit that there are some issues. By no means am I trying to say that your relationship had issues, but your boyfriend’s abrupt behavior leads me to believe that maybe something has been bothering him for some time. Maybe he is young and is scared because he doesn’t want to be tied down just yet. Videogames may be his source of happiness, and we have to be careful when we try to regulate other’s happiness (although I do understand that you have your needs as well). It’s important that both people in the relationship maintain who they are, and don’t get lost in each other so much that they stray from their true self because that’s where conflict can arise as well.

    I’m not sure if any of this even makes sense. Maybe just let some time go by, and if it’s meant to be it will work itself out. However, the universe may have something else in store for you – so try not to shut out new opportunities and experiences because you’re in pain. Let yourself grieve, heal, and try and move on.

    I’ll be thinking about you. Take care.


    Hi Charlotte, thanks so much for the support, and I’m sorry I’m replying late to the post. About 3 days ago, he texted me and stated that he wanted to be in a relationship again, of course I was happy, but at the same time, I was kind of like “hmmm, I want to be with him, BUT what’s going to e different this time?” As the day went on I think my texts were coming off as a little cold, and he caught on quick and asked if I really wanted to be with him, I then said you broke up with me, and we haven’t had the chance to really TALK about it. But yes. I basically told him he hurt me reallllyyyyy bad, and that he needs to prove himself, saying “I love you” sometimes just isn’t enough, it takes more than that. So instead of us talking… He decides to hang out with friends, when I specifically told him MAKE SURE YOU MAKE TIME FOR US. Which he didn’t I was furious and cried myself to sleep. After all this I would think that he would be eager to show me how much he doesn’t want to lose me but he didn’t. It’s like I’m begging him to talk and at this point I feel like I should’ve kept the break up. The day is almost over and he hadn’t contacted me yet. Last night I did hang up on him after he told me he was “chilling” when he was supposed to be “working on a car” so I felt played with and lied to. And like I said, he still hasn’t contacted me to apologize, I usually would just give in and apologize even if I’m not wrong just to make peace. But I can’t be at his every beck and call.



    I’m empathetic to your sadness, and can understand how confusing love can be. On one hand, you feel love for him, and on the other, he treats you badly. Yes, perhaps he will change, grow, and try harder. From your description, that doesn’t seem to be the case. It sounds like he is used to having a girlfriend, and without one feels lonely. So he comes to you, feels better, assured, then drops you in the mud as he gets back to what he wants to do. A few things came to heart as I read your words.

    Frankly, and I mean this with the utmost respect, you’re letting your heart get tread upon. Does he see you? Does he give you tender attention? Does he respect you? Are you a priority? With the breakup and reuniting so fresh, so unstable, how is it he tosses you aside to chill and play games with his mates? For me, sure I love to play games sometimes, but if my wife or kids are in need, its a no brainer. I simply couldn’t rest and have fun playing, knowing my home was disturbed, my family in need.

    When I hear of your crying yourself to sleep, I feel your pain, but also see the beauty of an loving heart. Consider that love inside you is a precious jewel, a gift that you bring to your partner and the world, and it is up to you to take care of it. You’re offering it to someone who wants it when he’s lonely or horny or whatever, but doesn’t give back to you. This punches holes in your intimacy, cuts trust, erodes caring.

    Much like a ship full of holes, it begins to sink, and you try to bail it out. Which would be fine if he wasn’t poking new holes in it. Sometimes you just have to let go, hop overboard and swim to shore. Said differently, breaking up and letting him go will be hard, there will be grief, and tears. But, its better to go through that pain now, then to endure his neglect for any longer, just to have to grieve anyway later. If he wakes up and starts helping you patch things up, bail out the water, and find a path you two want to walk together… that’s one thing. That’s not what he’s doing though, not now. Now he’s got you on a little hook, dangling around.

    Your heart deserves better than that. You deserve better than that. If he is unwilling or unable… just dump his ass, accept you’ll have to weather the grief and sorrow, and start swimming to shore. He won’t change unless he wants to, or until he’s ready. How long do you wish to wait for that? You can’t force him… and trying that will only end up with you feeling worse and worse about yourself.

    With warmth,


    @amatt, wow, thanks so much. Hearing this from a man really opened my eyes.
    Everything you said was definitely true. And it hurts so much because I do have a
    big heart, and I give so much and get little in return. I literally cry when I see happily married
    couples, or just people in love, because I want that so much for my relationship. But I feel like
    it will never happen. He still forgets to text me back or call me and when I mention it he just says
    I apologize and Ill make it up to you, if you wouldve communicated with me, you wouoldnt have to make
    up anything…. I just want a man who KNOWS how to love. A man who truly loves me. And I feel like I will
    NEVER get that, it hurts so bad.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Carmen.
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