
Am I wrong for disliking alcohol?

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    Hello, I’m really desperate because I don’t know what to think. It may be that the story I’m about to tell you is very very recent and my head feels like a frisbee still… Any word of advice or opinion will really help me.

    I’m not going to say my exact age or exact details since, well, this post is 100% public haha. I reached the age of majority not so much time ago, and I met a guy online, I’ll call him Brad, who’s five years older than me. We talked and got to know each other a little for a few months and then we finally met in person. This was in September, last year. On our very first date we spent the entire day together, I think we really liked each other. At least the impression he gave me was that of a really cool guy with a nice sense of humor, full of life, and energy that, I unfortunately think, I lack of. Our first kiss was on that date too. After that, he started visiting me at my school. I take evening classes but his schedule was mostly in the morning on that semester, so he had the time and will to spend the entire afternoon with me. Since the beginning we treated each other like partners, we kissed, we hugged and everything was good and lovely. Of course, some time after we started hanging out more (you know, going to the movies, parks, malls, etc) and we learnt things about each other too. Soon after, we fell in love. He invited me to his house and I met his mother, I invited him to mine and he met both of my parents. They knew we were dating. I really like spending time next to him; he’s a very simple guy, which I like. We don’t do very fancy stuff or dine at restaurants or things alike; we’d rather have movie afternoons at our homes or go to the cinema, or just wander around the city if that’s the plan. And I like that. Whenever I’m with him I don’t get bored and I don’t feel the urge to go back home, which is something I do often when I go out.

    It all was in general really good, until I learned that he loves drinking.

    I do have an alcohol history in my family. Unfortunately my dad was an alcoholic and did stupid things to my mom and sometimes to my brother and me. I was very little when this happened but he overcame it and now rarely drinks, and when he does, it’s moderately. However because of this, I hardly accept alcohol in my life. Sometimes I do drink myself, but other times being around it really upsets me. I hate people who get drunk and wasted without a justifiable reason. And sadly, Brad is like this. There were nights that I’d phone him and he’d answer drunk and said weird things to me. He’s never been violent or extremist, anything bad, but he just acted differently than he used to when sober. He said “i love you” to me just a few days after we met! That didn’t scare me, but it was definitely unusual behaviour for me. But I didn’t mind it at all at first because everything was new to me and I was eager to know him more and I wanted to be in a relationship with him, so I kind of overlooked this problem.

    The bad stuff started when he started doing (or he stopped doing) things because of his drinking. One day we were going to have dinner somewhere and we agreed to see each other in a certain subway station. I waited for half an hour and he called me saying that he would be a little late. It didn’t bother me at all. I waited some more time and he called again, to ask if I would like to travel to another station and meet him there since he was probably going to be more late than he thought. We ended up meeting more than one hour after we agreed to, and when he said hello and kissed me, he tasted and smelled like alcohol. I asked him what happened and he cinically said that he ran late because he was drinking at the seedy bar near his school and decided to keep drinking for another 30 minutes. That pissed me off. There was another time when I was feeling really depressed, mainly because of stress at school and the thought that I was losing my friends because we weren’t hanging out as often as before. I felt empty and lost and I asked him to please come see me; I wanted to tell him how I was feeling in hope that he would be supportive. He said yes and agreed to be there at a certain hour. An hour later, he called to say he was going to arrive later because he was doing school work with his friends. I said it was OK. After all, it was school day and he probably was busy finishing homeworks and whatnot. One hour passed by and there were no signs of him. I called him, and when he answered, I could hear music in the background. He said “hey, let me go outside, I can’t hear you well”. I was confused since he had said that he was doing school things! When his side was audible, he sounded drunk and I asked him what the hell was going on. He replied that “he wanted to have some drinks with his friends, and when he was on his way to see me, he met some other friends who convinced him not to leave and to keep drinking more with them”. I hanged up on him feeling angry, disgusted, disappointed, insulted and way sadder than I already was. I was determined to leave him and tell him this all was over. We weren’t even partners at that time so I didn’t think it’d be that hurtful. That night we spoke though, and we both said what we had to say. I decided to give him another chance and we started again.

    Unfortunately I started feeling overwhelmed. Whenever he hangs out with his friends, drinking and getting drunk is all they do. It’s like that’s the only way they know how to have fun! It really upsets me, it makes me angry and I just can’t bare it. I talked to him, told him that I hated the way he drank and that I wasn’t willing to be with someone like that. He said that he knew he was drinking way too much and that he was going to put limits on himself because he wanted us to be together, because he really liked me and he had met no one like me before. I trusted him and things seemed to get better. One time he told me that he was hanging out with his junior-high friends, whom he hadn’t seen for years, and that they were singing at a karaoke and, of course, drinking a bit. He asked if it was OK for me if he got drunk that night, and I said yes. After all, I thought that having a reason to drink, not to do it just because, was OK for me. But after some time that started bothering me too. Time passed by and there were other things that bothered me about him. He unconsciously lies and contradicts himself. He once said that he was going to invite me to have dinner at a restaurant with him, and that he would ask me to be his boyfriend there. I’m not saying that he was obliged to do it, but he never did it and it made me feel bad. He never did it because of the obvious reason: he squandered ALL of his money on alcohol for ONE NIGHT. And I’m not talking about a few cents; he had a considerable sum and he wasted it all because it was “an important party”. Some time after that, he again wasted a lot for another party, but that specific time he completely disappeared. I had no idea where he was by 5pm, he didn’t see any of my messages until 1pm THE NEXT DAY, when he apologized and said that he did an afterparty at a friend’s place. I was pissed off.

    There are far more things that I could write here, but I think that’s enough so you can have an idea of what it’s like. He asked me to be his boyfriend in December and I said yes. I wanted to believe that it was all going to be just fine, but the truth is that I was feeling overwhelmed by those little things that bothered me. I was feeling sad because even after we talked about those things, I still was being bothered by them. But I fell in love with him and wanted us to be together. A few days ago I couldn’t stand it any more and I exploded. He went to a GAY BAR with his friends without me! To be honest, those places disgust me and I was upset because he didn’t invite me, his boyfriend, to go with him there, and he even texted me saying “i wish you were here”. And of course, past midnight he asked me if he could end up drunk. I thought “really? you want to get drunk in a gay bar?” and I said “why do you even ask me for permission if you already know you are going to do it anyway. That’s what you do when you go out!”. He didn’t text back until later, when he said that he had felt dizzy but was not drunk, and that he didn’t like the feeling that time. He said that he thought alcohol was not his thing any more and that he was maturing. Would you believe him? I certainly didn’t…

    I was MAD, I was really really mad at him for that, for all the other times he had disappointed me because of his drinking. I was mad because of his lies and contradictions (and the fact that he thought I wouldn’t notice). I could only think about all I hated about being with him, including the alcohol, his annoying and unlikable friends, the way he would refer to himself and to his other gay friends in feminine words (which disgusts me incredibly), and two days ago I broke up with him.

    I cried for hours because I was disappointed that nothing got better. I never felt he tried to change and I never got to accept him the way he is. That’s what made me break up. I thought I’d feel free and good about it but truth is I want to give him another chance… We talked about all these things and we finally spat out all the rancor we had towards each other – but it didn’t feel wrong. On the contrary, right now I feel as though I took the bad feelings out, and I believe he feels the same. Today we spoke as normal. I told him that I wanted things to end the good way. He told me that he didn’t want me to turn away from him. And I really don’t want to, so that’s why we spoke today as normal.

    I don’t even know how I feel! I despise alcohol, but I don’t want him to change because of me. He said that he has sacrificed most of his nights and evenings with his friends because he tried to avoid getting drunk, and that when he did drink, he didn’t go crazy and he tried to foucs on being in good terms with me. He said that ever since I told him I hated his drinking, he has being doing it way less frequently, and that I was being selfish for not wanting to be with him even after all he’s done. This made me angry, because the fact that he has stopped being the relentless alcoholic he used to be is not a favor he’s doing to me, it’s a favor he does to himself. But he doesn’t care about it. Whenever I think of alcohol+him I become angry because I just wish he’d stop doing it, but at the same time I don’t want anyone to change because of me. It’s his life and he knows what he does with it. He and his friends know nothing else, but to drink to get drunk. And that should be fine. But even now that we broke up I feel the urge to make him stop drinking and I don’t know what to do about it… He’s asked me to go out with him two days from now and talk in person about all what has happened, and I have been feeling the need to give him another chance, but I don’t want to keep suffering and of course I don’t want to deal with this stuff any more. Am I wrong for disliking alcohol? Am I selfish for not wanting to be with him this way?



    Let me tell you this: I am currently divorcing my ex for his drug use and for the last 4-5 years I truly believed that i could change him and or he wanted to change, because he led me to believe it. You are wise for disliking alcohol. Nothing good comes from alcohol and or drugs and much of our society depends on one or the other in nearly every social function. It sounds like he is an alcoholic. It is not as easy for him to just stop because he is dependent on it and addiction is hardly a substance problem, but a personal problem that he is refusing to acknowledge.
    What you may consider to be selfish is really just self love for yourself because you dont want to be subjugated to his behavior and I dont blame you!! Guys can have way of making us feel like we “should” deal with their crap before our own, but truth is, you are under o obligation or false guilt to spend any time with him that you do not sincerely desire to.
    He will not change for you, trust me, so don’t worry about wanting him to. If he wants to change it will be because he wants to. Dont waste anymore time on this one. You need a non drinker and there is nothing at all wrong with that, in fact, it is very admirable and you will only mesh best with another. Sounds like he wants to party and that its coming first in his life. Find someone better, you deserve it!
    Best of luck to you!!


    Dear Carlos:

    I dislike alcohol too. When a person close to me even gets a buzz from alcohol, and gets that different look, a different expression on his face, that dazed look in the eyes, that unusual calm and all-is-well look, that fake calm, I HATE it. I hate it automatically. And I can’t help that hate I feel. What I feel, if the person is very close to me, I feel scared: like I lost the person I care about, like he entered a parallel universe and I stayed behind. In HIS universe all is well and …I am supposed to pretend I am in that universe and all is well. But all is not well with me and he is … gone. So there I am alone, ALONE and there is nothing I can do to get him back… until the alcohol wears off.

    You asked: “Am I wrong for disliking alcohol? Am I selfish for not wanting to be with him this way?” My answer is: no, you are not wrong to dislike alcohol: it is an automatic feeling, you don’t choose it. You automatically dislike it. How can you be wrong for something you do not choose? Are you “selfish?” My answer is: no, it is your job and responsibility to operate for your own well being. This is not selfishness, it is what you owe yourself.

    I can continue with the question of being wrong: is he wrong to like alcohol? Same answer: no, he is not wrong for feeling whatever it is he is feeling: feelings are automatic. He doesn’t choose to like alcohol.

    It is our behavior, what we choose to do that is right or wrong.

    When he calls you selfish for you taking care of yourself and you proceeding to doubt yourself… and him continuing with the theme of you being selfish, if he does, that is wrong of him.

    When he is repeatedly late to meeting with you, that is wrong of him.

    And when he knows being drunk triggers you badly, he is wrong being drunk in your presence… and you are wrong placing yourself if that situation.

    I understand there are good things between the two of you but alcohol is a bad thing between the two of you. That is his drinking it is bad for you.

    I don’t see how you can go back with him and continue unless he CHOOSES to get off alcohol or he is able to drink moderately (not less than before, but really… just a glass of wine here and there… two beers per occasion). Only if he desires that, sincerely…

    What I would do if I was you and if you choose to see him in the near future, a couple of days from now, or so is this: pay attention to one thing: does he have the desire, the sincere motivation to get off alcohol or to cut down so significantly that he is a moderate drinker? No such desire expressed in your story above. And I mean: no trying to soothe you with innuendos such as: “I drink less because of you..

    I mean is he really motivated to make a drastic change in his life? If not, you will have to endure the heartbreak of a love story that has to end because it is .. too broken already.



    Melissa and Anita, I can’t thank you enough for both of your replies. Today I feel calm and I’m certain that the best option is not to go back to a relationship with him. Tomorrow we’ll have lunch and talk about it and I’ll stay true to my decision. Your words, Melissa and Anita, were really helpful to me too; it was really good getting impartial opinions.

    My best wishes to you!! Thank you so much!


    You are welcome, Carlos, please do post again… with an update on that lunch, perhaps?


    Hello! I apologize for taking so long to post again, I hadn’t had the time at all…

    The day we had lunch was awkward at first, it was weird not saying hi with a kiss or hugging or anything, and we didn’t really know what to say, there was no conversation and I felt quite uncomfortable. All of a sudden we were like two strangers! He asked me what I wanted to talk about, and I told him the reason I couldn’t and won’t ever stand alcohol. I think he understood. I told him that every time I’ve be around it, only bad things happen, but he said that there were good things too. I asked him which things and the only thing he could come up with was “drinking gives you fun moments”. That made me angry because that’s exactly the kind of thing ANYTHING can give you, not just alcohol, but meh, I said that that wasn’t a good reason at all and he didn’t know what to say. That same day we went to the movies and awkwardness kind of faded away for a bit. It was a nice day and we spoke normally after that.

    On the weekend I went to his house to watch movies and, while conversing, he told me that a friend of his had invited him to a party that night but that he wouldn’t go because he “didn’t want to drink”. Of course I didn’t believe him and I asked him why, and he said that he just didn’t feel like it, and that also when I broke up with him, his friends told him to get drunk to death to forget me, and that he didn’t think it was a good idea, so he didn’t do it. He said that he still is in love with me and he doesn’t want us to stray away from each other. I said I wouldn’t, and I really don’t want to, but I don’t know just how far is this going to go… At his house, we kissed and other things happened. Now, suddenly, everything feels like before but better… I don’t know! And I don’t want to go back with him but it feels like this time he really is trying to step away from alcohol. Today, we went to the movies again and he said that he “couldn’t wait until we could be back together”, and I asked him how could we be so, and he answered that maybe we could go back to being boyfriends after he would completely leave “the thing that bothers me so much” behind. And he said that he would do it for himself and not for me, just how I said it should be…

    So I don’t know what’s next! I’m not sure if he really is changing, I don’t think he is, but either way I just don’t feel like being with him again… I indeed am still in love with him too, but now things feel more complicated than before

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Carlos.

    Dear Carlos:

    You are in love with him and he is still “in love” with alcohol as well as with you. So there is the third party to the relationship, there to punch you in the heart anytime. Maybe not this night and maybe not tomorrow, but soon enough.

    There is Carlos, Brad, and Alcohol. Three parties to a relationship and one too many.

    Please post again…



    Would it be best to stop seeing him and talking to him? As I said, I don’t to go back with him, but I also really don’t want him to think that I do… The problem is that I also don’t know if he is going to make that change, and if he does, whether I should give him another chance or don’t care at all…


    Dear Carlos:

    From your update of your last get together there is no indication whatsoever of a change on his part. His talk about alcohol is the same as it was before. There is nothing new. There is no indication of him facing his problem drinking (problem because at the least, it caused the breakup). For example, you wrote: “he would completely leave ‘the thing that bothers me so much’ behind”- he didn’t even mention the word alcohol. Now that is avoidance, not facing a problem.

    So if you date him again, it (his drinking and all the problems resulting from his drinking) will happen again, it is just a matter of time. If you want to prevent the coming heartache, you have only one way to do it: to not get together with him… unless you are interested and can handle an occasional, none bf-bf kind of interactions. From previous post here, I believe you are interested in a continuous, predictable, trustworthy kind of relationship…


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