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  • #51808

    Hello Tiny Buddha,

    Before you judge me 🙂 , I’ve already read the Book Advice topic, but I am searching for different kind of books.

    So, I am active reader of TinyBuddha’s blog (and forum sometimes) since I’ve discovered that I suffer from anxiety. I must thank you all for the great posts that helped me to recover from anxiety. I haven’t been to a therapist (because I don’t believe there are any good in my third world country) so I believe that I am very close to full recovery only because of this beautiful and warm site. Thanks for that.

    So, my request for book advice…. I would like to ask for some books that have ZEN basics, or any spirituality, mindfulness, meditation books…. Let me be more specific.
    I am a Christian because of my family, but I’ve never been religious (By non-religious I don’t mean atheist, I mean that I don’t believe in Jesus, and Church). I believe in my self, I am the god of my world. And that’s why I love the whole ZEN ideology. But, the only “touch” with ZEN and Buddhism I’ve had in my life is tinybuddha.com 🙂 (and yoga, I am active member of a group for a month)
    So, I would be very grateful if someone share some great book that will introduce me to the basics of zen, mindfulness, spirituality etc…
    If you didn’t understand my request, here is a vivid explanation 🙂

    Imagine the whole ZEN is some castle you want to visit. Well tinybuddha has shown the outside of the castle, and only pictures of the inside. I need a book(s) that will “grab my hand” and show me the inside of the castle room by room 🙂

    Thanks for the patience and for the help


    Hello Nikola,

    If you need a book that will show you all the rooms, you can read Jane Roberts fantastic books. They are a bit dense, but if you feel that you are ready for that you will understand them. You can start with Seth Speaks…. This lady in the 70s channeled material which is simply the bible of the universe.

    Brian Weiss – psychiatrist who shares true stories of his patients that under hypnosis reveal past lives and there they find the reason for their anxiety, depression etc. This is for beginners to introduce that there is something more outside the castle…

    Nil Donald Walsh -he talks about the same but through conversations with “God” i.e. himself….because he was religious-this is also for beginners in the subject but good one.


    I’d recommend Thich Nhat Hanh‘s Peace Is Every Step for anyone. 😀
    Mindfulness presented in a gentle, lyrical way that fits for Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. Simple but powerful. Also Fragrant Palm Leaves by the same author is a delightful read.


    I am also a Christian, but I recently discovered that I wanted to go beyond my beliefs and experience other things. The first book I read a couple months ago is called How To Reach Enlightenment (I don’t remember the author, sorry!). It opened my eyes and my mind so much, it was amazing. The book is very easy to understand and explains very well how to be more conscious of what is around us and within us, how to meditate, how to deal with stress and anxiety, etc. I highly recommend it!

    Dan Bartlett

    The book I often recommend to people keen to learn more about mindfulness and meditation is Mindfulness in Plain English by Ven. Henepola Gunaratana. I suggest you buy a hard copy to read (and re-read!) but it’s also generously available for free online: http://www.urbandharma.org/udharma4/mpe.html

    It is an excellent introduction, that is accessible without dulling down the profound potential of the practice. Enjoy!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Dan Bartlett.


    Here’s another one: The Heart of Zen (http://www.amazon.com/The-Heart-Zen-Enlightenment-Liberation/dp/1583947647#) and the Mondo Zen Manual (http://www.mondozen.org/_literature_104890/Mondo_Zen_Training_Manual_April_2012) to guide one through the practice referred to in the book.

    Enjoy 🙂

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