
Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace

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    I’m interested to hear from others around the globe on how bad your workplace is in regard to bullying and harassment. Since resigning from teaching, I have been forced to take low entry level positions, which seem to put me in a precarious position in this regard.
    The “new kid on the block” syndrome is alive and well in Australia, from my experience anyway. Whenever I start a new job, I become a target, direct or otherwise of mostly low-level but sometimes high level harassments.
    They can the take the form of:
    petty and unnecessary micro managing from colleagues and bosses “it must be done in this order” for example)
    over the top fault-finding
    meeting the boss over complaints about me from other staff
    envy (when I have an easier job than others)
    bluff ( telling you something is mandatory when it isn’t)
    undermining, criticising you in front of colleagues an/or clients
    gaslighting (I had this happen to me once, someone trying to say I never did a certain task when we both know I did)
    on your first day, speaking to you like a “naughty child” if you make a mistake

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by jock.

    * It says above: “over 1.5 million friends and followers” right under “Join the Forums” – where is the million and half? Where is the million? a hundred thousands? Okay… ten, where are ten people? How is it that I am the only one responding here? And I am not even in the work force, unqualified to answer this particular post, being I am not even attempting to join the work force. So, this is my evening rant.

    Did I scare everyone away? Is it about ME?

    Dear Jack:

    Excuse the above, it is my sense of humor that I hope you appreciate. It is not about me, no matter what the one million and half people tell you.

    Okay, now, of the million and half, anyone who is in the work force or intending to be back there, can you answer Jack’s thread, please! I am tired pretending I know anything there is to know about everything.

    I am just one person, for crying out loud!

    Again, this is still my sense of humor exploding on this fine, fine rainy, dark early evening.



    What attracts harassment?
    I might hear you say “be assertive, don’t take any crap, nip it in the bud, be strong, be confident”. OK, half of me agrees with you. Yeah, the strong prey on the weak, on the timid, like magnetic poles.
    But I’ve seen the strong attacked too. By strong, I mean not afraid to speak up. There was one guy I remember who was not afraid to voice his opinion and he was very assertive. No one was going to boss him around and treat him like a meek bell-hop. He told me later and I noticed as well, that a ground-swell of gossip was slowly closing in, on him like a python strangling its prey. A few “popular” staff didn’t like him, so they started a campaign against him. Most of it was indirect, not direct. Because he could hold his own in a verbal confrontation, they mostly worked covertly. They started complaining to the boss, “oh he’s too hard to work with” or “he’s so lazy, he always leaves me to do all the work”. Only some of it true, but the truth distorted, not in his favour. He eventually left, becuae he couldn’t stand the tension, the unspoken hatred he had to endure.
    What I’m saying is then, that no one need feel that it is their fault, that harassment occurs to them. It seems a rite of passage, something that must be endured to some extent. Employers will proudly say “no harassment occurs in our workplace, we have a detailed and thorough workplace policy to prevent it”. More lip service, more pretence. The reality is, you won’t have their support. My advice is if you really love the work, put up with it, until they stop and target someone else. If you don’t love the job, leave, like I did. Several times in fact.


    As you know Anita, from witnessing my inner selves board meetings, I am more than capable of talking to myself. 🙂
    But thanks for answering.


    * So it is just you and me, Jack. let’s face it. So it is you jack, the OP and the respondent. Half of you agreeing with you and half of you agreeing with the silent million and a half people reading this around the globe.

    Dear Jack:

    A couple of hundred people were killed today in Paris by Islamic terrorists. Violence occurs everywhere in fatal ways and less fatal ways. Workplace is one such place. Other places are the roads, the playground, the line to the movies, and everywhere else. People ATTACK people, and when stronger looking people run out of weaker looking people to attack they have to resort to the stronger. Got to attack someone, human social nature.

    Except when in meditation or the like. Or when busy being the ONLY ONE answering your thread because I think I am your only company here this evening.

    Anyone ELSE?



    Dear Jack:

    We are posting at the same time. I know you are more than capable of talking to yourself. Funny board meetings, miss them.


    We need a current affairs sub section here, by the way.
    Who is the most evil leader in the world? Candidates include Putin and Kim Il From North Korea.
    Some of these categories overlap way too much. I mean, Purpose/Share the Truth/Emotional Mastery, could be all just one category.


    Although two people posted recently, I am still on my hunger strike until someone other than me and you answer one of the threads you started today. this is my decision. I am fasting now for seven minutes.

    Since I don’t follow the news, have no TV, I don’t know about the most evil leader in the world but I am glad I had a big dinner right after four pm, so I can endure my hunger strike so far.



    your mention of a hunger strike has triggered a hunger in me but I will persist


    Ok , taking a break now, if you wonder where I am
    Don’t hunger strike too long Anita


    twenty one minutes on my hunger strike. No other poster yet on now three threads, is it, however many you posted this evening, I need only ONE poster who is not you or me. Is it too much to ask??? For crying out loud!!!


    Still on a hunger strike although I lost my appetite completely due to some development here on Tiny Buddha. Anyway, one hour and fifty minutes into the strike and not a single poster in any of your new threads of this evening.


    I will attempt to stamp my enormous authority on this forum by closing this thread.


    Is it closed then? I suppose it is closed. Testing, testing? I suppose it is closed then.


    Greetings. It is a shame witnessing the grandeur of the advancement of science and technology, to find that many things about our human nature have not advanced one iota. I am optimistic that the shift in our collective consciousness will one day bring all peoples together, in peace and love. I am a victim of harrassment in the workplace. It stems from a deeply ingrained human trait; those that oppress,and those who are oppressed. This duality has always existed as part of human relationships. It is the seedbed of all wars,battles, conquests,territorial acquisitions,countries,borders,tribes – any group of two or more individuals where one rides on the back of his egoic self,and in his mind crowns himself with a false sense of superiority. This person,persons,group, even country, then takes the form of the oppressor,blessed with a false sense of having some ordained right and authority, to impart control,domination,and annihilation of anyone deemed inferior by them. The question is, what will it take to bury this duality of relationship? How does the world shift to the paradise it was once created to be? I propose that humanity has received its Messengers of Hope. The Buddha taught Right Mind and Right Intention. Jesus commanded to love one another. Lao Tsu showed how each of us are Masters of our own beings. If we could only remove these prophets and teachers from the narrow classification of religion, we can see the value,foresight, and truth that their arrival into history was meant for. Study the teachings of these Messengers, without prejudice of religious dogma,and take their words and actions as they stand alone by themselves. Plant these seeds into our collective consciousness. It is up to each one of us. To rise for the cause of peace and harmony. To change the course of humanity from darkness into light. To be the change we wish to see in the world.

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