
Can't Keep a Job

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    I need some advice on how to support my husband as he goes through yet another job set back, and also how to deal with this myself. The place he works at is cutting salaries, and meanwhile he’s worried he’ll get laid off. This is after years of similar set backs or being fired from other jobs. :/

    He’s doing what he loves (he works with kids in some capacity), you can say it’s his dream job. Yet, in the three years since he’s started this line of work, he’s had such hard luck keeping jobs. In short, he just keeps landing gigs at places that don’t have their stuff together and he ends up getting the short end of the stick.

    Some riveting history so you see our frustration:
    He’s ended up at places that are run poorly, quit, and gone somewhere else where he ended up getting fired (better off not at this place, but still).

    He worked in this field for a friend a month, was so happy, she was so happy, but she was never able to pay him.

    We moved out of state, he landed a job immediately. It was great for a while until his boss wanted to change things around again (she had had three people working with her in one year, if that tells you anything), and he was demoted.

    The place he’s at now is Okay, but they’re seriously in debt and they’re cutting salaries. He’s having a meeting at the end of the day with his boss and her boss. He’s totally worried he’ll get laid off, even though I tried telling him to just focus on the day and see what they say later.

    MY QUESTION: What in the world do we do???

    We’re both so tired and frustrated that he’s in a line a work that he loves and is good at, yet he can’t just keep a job! He says he feels like a failure and that he made a mistake going this direction, he feels like a failure. Should he just go into another line of work, something more stable? What should he do? What do I tell him?


    Dear Runningwithcats:

    I don’t know what the specific field is. You wrote that he likes working with kids; working in a public school (teacher, assistant, one-to-one with special ed students and such) can provide him maximum stability since public schools are funded by tax money.

    As he looks for work in his preferred field, he should research (and predict) their financial stability before accepting a job, so not to put himself in the same position again. If he cannot find predictable stable job in his preferred field- then changing direction to another field with way better stability chances makes a lot of sense.



    Hi Runningwithcats,

    I liked the love, concern and caring attitude you have for your husband.
    Is there a possibility that your husband (maybe along with you, if applicable) can start something of his own in the very same field that you said he loves and is good at, and is also a dream (job)? Can your hubby do something to share what he is good at by creating more employment opportunities for people on the planet? Not sure what kind of work that is, but something of an own setup (business) in the same field that will teach/do/employ other people.
    As an example what I’m trying to say is – If an Investment Consultant has become the best in his field of work and is good at and loves that, and there is nothing to do further, then it is time for him/her to start an Investment Consulting Agency.

    Not sure, but something to think about if the Universe is trying to say “don’t keep doing the same thing in what you are good at (else I will give you signs by causing you trouble wherever you go). Share it with people, now that you are good at it. What can you do to use it for the benefit of humanity that which I (God/Universe/Life) have allowed you to be the best at?”

    Best Wishes,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by VJ.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by VJ.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by VJ.
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