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    Hi there
    This is my first post and I’m just trying to reach out. I’ve had a load of really hard and often traumatic experiences throughout my life with the only real bit of relief in my 3 years at university, where I was so happy. Most of the time around that I’ve really struggled and really hard things keep happening to me. I’m really tired so don’t feel like I can say them all now. But generally they all involve being treated badly by other people.
    I’ve tried so hard in my life, really hard in my education and I got top grades then afterwards did well at work and also ran my own business for 5 years. But that ended recently as more bad things happened and at 30 I’ve ended up living back with my parents and on benefits.
    I keep reading advice and have done for years and I can understand it all but I can’t seem to do it. I just don’t know how to reach that happy life that I long for. I keep almost getting it and have lots of times then something traumatic happens and ruins it, always from someone in my life that I trusted.
    I honestly feel like all I’ve ever tried to do is be kind and work hard and be a positive person and I keep getting messed around or having my joys taken away from me.
    I hate saying my life like that but feel like it’s the truth.
    I’m struggling to get unstuck and to make life good and without so many awful things to deal with that just knock me back. I thought I was smart but I seem to be getting into situations that I think are good then they turn on me, so I’ve started to believe I’m just really not very good at this. I would be so grateful for any wisdom or help.
    Lots of love xxx


    Dear Floraflower:

    What is the most recent traumatic experience you had, involving someone you trusted who hurt you? When, where, how? What is the first such experience you ever experienced, in childhood, going back as far as you can?



    The most recent is my boyfriend started to treat me badly because he said he wasn’t happy in the relationship, but it coincided with him experiencing bad things in his family so I know he’s just taking it out on me. And he says as much himself, we’re trying to work through it but he’s put me through so much drama. Just before that I was bullied by a boss at work, wasn’t paid and am going through the courts to sort it.
    The first one I can remember is I was sexually abused by my babysitter’s son when I was 7. It could have got worse because I managed to tell my mum when it started to feel like it was escalating further (obviously at age 7 it was just a general feeling of ‘this is wrong’ that made me blurt it out). He ended up being sentenced. I was kept out of as much of it as poss, I’m guessing for my own protection, and it was never spoken about in my family again. If I’ve ever brought it up tentatively it’s brushed over.


    Dear Floraflower:

    The fact that the sexual abuse was never spoken about and brushed over when you brought it up kept that trauma unprocessed, unresolved, active in your brain. The abuser was sentenced but it was not over for you. It was your parents’ mistake, serious mistake. They should have helped you by making communication possible, with their empathy, lots and lots of empathy for you, making you feel safe to talk about it, to express your feelings about it. Blocking your emotions from being expressed caused that energy-in-motion (e-motion) to be blocked and in being blocked, it harmed you and is harming you.

    Somehow you need to heal from that trauma as well as from the other ways you were ignored by your parents, other times and throughout your childhood when they ignored you when they weren’t comfortable with attending to you. They ignored your sadness, your anger, I think. They probably ignored your fear, ignored you when you were feeling those things…?

    Therapy perhaps? Good psychotherapy with a trustworthy, skillful therapist?

    When in relationships with men, like with your boyfriend, how has the communication been? Did you express to him and reach out to him with your hurts, fears, sadness? Were you assertive with him? Were you visible with him or was it all about him?

    Were you assertive in business, when you had your own business? What caused it to end, the business?



    Hi Anita,
    Thank you so much, your quick and really deep understanding is helping me so much. I completely agree, and my parents have had a pattern of ignoring things I’ve been through / that have happened in our family lives to the point that I’ve felt like they’re trying to push me in a box and lock the lid. It’s made me feel ignored, and at times close to a feeling of ‘going crazy’ and very alone. The incident I mentioned was the first but a lot happened in my childhood after that too. Not sexual abuse but other traumatic things, including what I feel was constant emotional abuse at home. I was, and still am, treated like I was having a completely normal, functional and often idyllic childhood when I feel that it wasn’t that way at all. My parents did provide a lot (home, food, paid for uni, experiences etc) and I feel luckier than some, but I don’t think you can (metaphorically) cuddle someone with one arm and slap them with the other and say that is a safe kind of love. I’ve tried to bring up the pain I’ve felt at my history / past with my family before and just get denial, a brushing aside, blame, or worse. 2 years ago my parents cut me out for a whole year after I was brave enough to tell my mum she was treating me badly over the phone (I did shout and swear but because I was so fed up of being bullied I just let it out for once…was a huge mistake). She hung up then they both ignored me for nearly a year. It was one of the worst times in my life and I was very ill with diagnosed PTSD after one of the more recent traumatic experiences in my own life, I pleaded for their love and help over letters, emails, texts and they ignored them all, and my calls, for a year. They even got a new caller id home phone so that they knew when it was me calling. During this time I was living on my own, trying to deal with PTSD (with pretty poor help from my doctor), and trying to go to work and pay my bills. I was barely able to do all of it and was so so unwell that I almost gave up a few times. It took all of my strength to not give up, and the help of – thank god – some friends. Then one day my mum walked into my workplace with some Christmas presents she said she’d come to give me and without any acknowledgement of the ignoring just wanted to go on as normal. I fought with them and tried to express how I’d felt but it was shot down so many times that I gave up and just went with it. I’m living with them now temporarily and it is certainly a much better relationship than before – time has healed it – but I still feel the pain. The only thing they told me was they ‘had to do what we had to do’ which theyve said at other times they’ve rejected or ignored me (ie. My mum through me out at 17 after picking an argument to ‘frame’ me. I later found a script shed written to pick the argument) which has just made me feel like someone they have to self-protect themselves from, like some kind of nightmare child, when I know I’m perfectly normal and was actually a good kid. I’ve tried for years to teach myself that it’s not me, it’s their own insecurities, because I know it is. But it still hurts and leaves me feeling so confused at times.

    With relationships, yes I always communicate my feelings and try to be open and loving and a strong partner. I had a definite abusive relationship that ended a couple of years ago and communication was awful. He just blamed me, refused to take responsibility etc., would give me silent treatment or say horrible things. At the end much, much worse than that happened and I was lucky to get out.
    In my current relationship I’m the same,and sometimes it results in him being nice and us resolving things and sometimes he turns horrible. I do think he’s abusive / cruel more than is just normal nit-picking in a relationship but it’s not as bad / the same as my ex. I always try to communicate in the right way but it often doesn’t come back the same way. Because it doesn’t I have started to get shouty and often say horrible things back to my current boyfriend. I feel like it makes me abusive in return, but I know I wouldn’t normally do that. I love my current man so much, and he is having his own struggles with his mental health so it’s proving very hard to decide whAt to do.
    With my business yes I tried to be assertive but I definitely wasn’t as much as I should have been. My boss (well I’m self employed so last client is more accurate) was a total bully and I should have not done the job and walked away. But I felt desperate for work and money, and was dedicated to the project. I thought I’d be unhappy having to leave and do something else but in hindsight I don’t think that’s the case.
    I feel like I have patterns across all these important areas of life but I don’t know what to call them / what they are specifically. I do know that I can’t get my head around the fact that people you trust can turn on you. I would never do it to anyone so I don’t expect it of other people, yet it keeps happening so it feels like a constant grief.
    This is what I mean in that I’m doing things wrong / unhelpful to myself but I don’t know what they are or how to change. Plus it’s not just me its the actions of others. xxxxxxx


    Dear Floraflower:

    Somewhere at the beginning of your last post, you wrote: “I don’t think you can (metaphorically) cuddle someone with one arm and slap them with the other and say that is a safe kind of love.” and close to the end, you wrote: ” I can’t get my head around the fact that people you trust can turn on you.”

    There it is. Through the Repetition Compulsion, I am guessing, you find yourself again and again in the … almost same kind of situation, including presently with your boyfriend AND living at home again with your parents.

    The unresolved issue is what you wrote, what do you make out of a person who cuddles you with one arm and slaps you with the other? How do you put together the two? How do you ever expect safety where danger is to be expected? How do you ever feel safe when you can expect that a slap on the face will follow the cuddle?

    There is no way out of this conflict until you realize that unfortunately, when your parents slapped you on the face, metaphorically, they made VOID, in that action, all the “love” expressed otherwise. It is sad. Nice if you could give them credit for the loving things they have done and figure they balance the hateful things they have done. It doesn’t work that way.

    Sitting on the fence, so to speak, with the “love” and the hate, trying to live with the two as if they belong together is futile because they do NOT belong together. Our need to be loved, to feel safe with our parents, and later on with our partner, is not subject to an accounting sheet with “debits”- the hate, the abuse on one side and the “credits”- the gifts, the “likes” as in FB. The debits do not belong in a relationship.

    Sure, no relationship is perfect, but when a person wrongs you, you need to feel safe to stand up for yourself, to state your hurt and the person who loves you needs to evaluate the situation and admit when they are wrong and correct their behavior, through ongoing honest, two ways communication.

    When your parents did not adequately apologized and corrected their behavior, when they PUNISHED you for reaching out to them with your hurt (and you being angry is understandable), and then acted like nothing had happened… when they came up with “We had to do what we had to do”- this is not adequate apology, far from it.

    Imagine a prisoner in a war camp, being starved all day, beaten with a whip and sticks, blood drawn, but every evening at 6 PM, the prisoner gets a dinner of steak and ice cream, oh the delight… delicious, feels oh so very good. At 7 PM, the whip is back on the prisoner’s back, drawing blood. But at midnight, the one doing the beating cleans the prisoner’s back and puts a soft, clean shirt on the beaten back. Oh, the good feel of the soft fabric…

    So, the war ends, the prisoner is freed… There is a trial. What is the sentence? Has the prisoner been abused? No, says the defense: the prisoner got steak and ice cream and his back was cleaned and a new soft fabric shirt put on his back every single day.

    The prosecution will bring up the beating and starvation and poor health of prisoner, bone deterioration, consequences to live with for the rest of his life, night terrors, day terrors…

    The jury deliberates: here is the accounting sheet, this on one side, the other on the other side. What is the judgment?

    Waiting for your deliberation, if you will deliberate, Floraflower.


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