
career change?

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    I’ve been working as a customer service representative for a large chemical company for a little over two years now. I love the contact with customers (especially germans (German is my absolute passion)) but then by august last year, I was moved into a different role as part of the customer service was moved to a different location. In the first few months, my job consisted still of a combination customer service / commercial support with a lot of german customers and I had a good time. Then, they took away my german customers, they took away the customer service and put me to 100% on commercial support with a french customer. Then we had a training on our product range in January, and ever since, things have been getting worse. The product range does not appeal to me, I do not care about money or numbers, I care about people! Everybody here at work thinks I should be an account manager, so under this pressure I had confirmed that I would do it, but now (at the start of the training programm) I do not feel good about this at all. My colleague really appreciate me and I appreciate them, and I do not want to let them down. On the other hand, we only got 1 life and I have always dreamed of becoming a teacher (though it will be very tough to find sufficient work to pay my rent and all). I have spoken to my friends and family, they say I would be crazy to give up this well-paid, close-to-home job with nice colleagues, but I just do not see any meaning to this job. I always feel the need to contribute to society, to make a difference, to mean something. Is there anyone with similar experiences? Or who can tell me how to best handle this?


    Hi Sandra,

    Is there anyone with similar experiences? Or who can tell me how to best handle this?

    I have been in your circumstance before except i made the choice between a stable job in hospitality vs. going back to school. Actually it was quite a difficult choice to make, i felt that i had let myself down and let my pride ruin me. I thought “nah, i don’t want to go backwards”. But sometimes we have to take a step back to go forward. If you want to be a teacher, than that’s fine. However, i would start planning out how you would do it. I would assume you would have to go to university and start studying. Figure out how you are going to get accepted into uni, the kinds of courses available, accommodation etc. Work out the details first, before you decide to dive head first. Once you have enough info, talk to your supervisor or head, give them the details, where you are headed and what you want to do. Propose that you are willing to work part time or casually while at university (even before then, start to plant the seed about your future plans, it gives your employers some notice, if it’s out of left field, they won’t be too pleased). As you state your colleagues appreciate and respect you, so they may want to keep you under such terms. That’s what happened to me. After all, it’s not as if you hate your job or company, it’s more that you have other things to do with your life. Everyone can understand wanting to move on and further yourself professionally and personally.

    I continued to work part time and attend full time uni, until the business i was at was sold. This was my out, i didn’t want to work for these new fellows, so it was an opportunity to solely focus on my studies and get through faster. The move from customer service, the move from German, it sounds like everything is falling into place. It’s like two ships meeting in middle of the ocean, you can jump onto the other, they are that close. If you don’t, it’s not the end of the world, you just end up catching up to it in your raft 😉 It’s no biggie, but you may find it an easier break taking this opportunity now, rather than later, or at least begin to set the wheels into motion. But once again, if you have to work in a job that you aren’t that keen on, just focus on the goal and work towards that. Save what money you can, get as much knowledge as possible on courses, maybe even buy one of the textbooks for a particular course and read that. Just prepare yourself. If you can take a course or audit one at a university, see if it’s really for you. I have seen many students go to university and leave because it wasn’t what they expected nor did they want the stress and pressure. As long as you have a motive and can justify why you are still working there, it won’t get you down as much.

    I hope this helps,


    Hi Matty,

    thanks a lot for your reaction! I am getting more and more convinced that I must follow my heart and go for education!
    Have a great weekend! You sure brought some sunlight into mine!




    Dear Sandra:

    You wrote: “they say I would be crazy to give up this well-paid, close-to-home job with nice colleagues..”

    The people who tell you that should not give up their well-paid, close to home jobs with nice colleagues, that’s for sure, it would be crazy for them.

    The thing is you are your own person with your own values: “..but I just do not see any meaning to this job. I always feel the need to contribute to society, to make a difference, to mean something..”

    So, yes, I too vote for you to follow your heart, that is what you value, what you cherish.

    One comment about teaching, from my personal experience: I … tried to teach high school, middle school and high school and my liking of the subject matter (German in your case) had nothing to do, unfortunately, with my experience which was not good. The reason my experience was not good is that the behavior on the part of the students was abusive to me. When you consider teaching, please familiarize yourself with the practical aspect of being in the classroom as far as students’ willingness to learn and their behavior in this or that particular school/ school district.


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