
Clarity for Messy Relationships

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    Hello everyone,

    I’ve never posted here before, but love the site. I am very nervous to be doing this.

    My last boyfriend I’ve known for over ten years, he was also the very first boyfriend I had back in junior high/high school. We stayed friends and I’ve always had a soft spot for him. We got back together two years ago.
    During the two years, things changed. I completely cut myself off from other friends, gained 20 lbs and relied on spending time with him. He started to act like I was ol’ trusty, he’d make plans with other people and leave me behind, unless they canceled then he’d want to do something. He told me during a fight that he didn’t want to make the commitment of a weekly date night to me. He also has an issue with alcohol. His friends, family and everyone that I’ve talked to about this uses the term “alcoholic” to describe him.

    At the start of the summer, in the middle of a conversation he told me he needed a “break”. He completely flicked a switch, he continued to text me and would be persistent if I didn’t text back right away but he would go hours between texts with me. After a week of this, I told him I needed space, a month of no contact to figure out what this ‘break’ meant. He was not happy with my request.
    I struggled over the next four weeks with highs and lots of sobbing lows. I got back into yoga, started to eat better again and lost 25 lbs. I started to feel a lot better, but couldn’t shake the feeling that we were done. In that month, I relied on my mom a lot. She got me back into yoga and made sure I wasn’t alone. However, after a week of my emotional nature she got frustrated and told me that if I wanted to go back to him I should, I’d be throwing my life away.
    One month to the day, he called me, completely drunk. We talked for three hours and I was very frank with him about his behavior, the way I felt he treated me and the things that need to change between us if we were to ever be good again. He told me everything I wanted to hear, I fell for it.

    We very slowly started seeing each other again, I made a deal with myself that I would take this slow, if there was ever a regression back to our old ways I’d be out and I wouldn’t complain to my mom or my friends that had been there for me about anything. He would drink but it wouldn’t be excessive and he made time for me and was flexible when I wanted to do something for me. We had a big fight while out with friends one night; he’d been drinking. With that, I backed away again. I knew I needed to walk away but just couldn’t bring myself to do it. We had another frank conversation, which we tabled to talk when we saw each other next; but we never did. Things went back to being fine.
    I hadn’t told my mom that we were talking again, but a couple of weeks ago she asked me straight out. I told myself that I’d be honest so I told her we were. She lost it. She was angry with me for five days and gave me multiple tongue lashings about how I’m being stupid, throwing my life away and gave me an ultimatum of choose him, she’s gone. (I should note that I am an only child of a single mother – we are very close and don’t have any other close family).
    I have been struggling with all of this. I am 26 and feel angry that my mother continues to make me feel guilty for making my own decisions. I am also angry that she uses our relationship as a weapon to manipulate (?) situations. I want to believe that she comes from a good place, but I’m angry with her approach. I know that I need to separate myself from my ex, but the stubborn kid in me wants to dig my heels in more but I cannot bear the thought of losing her.
    My ex has made comments that my mother is too involved in my life, she needs to mind her own business and that she wants me to be alone and angry like her. I didn’t like his approach but is there truth there?
    I have no idea what to do from here. I feel horrible all the time and I’m exhausted.

    If anyone can offer any clarity, that would be so greatly appreciated


    Dear missmegs:

    I am glad you posted even though you felt nervous about doing it. I will make my post/s to you gentle and respectful so that your experience will not be a bad one and I hope other respondents, if any, will be as gentle as well.

    Talking about being gentle: your mother in her response to your honesty about re-connecting with your boyfriend has not been gentle with you and that is a shame. I wish she controlled her frustration and anger and behaved differently with you.

    We, people, do not respond well to threats and verbal attacks. These are harmful, not helpful.

    You need “Clarity for Messy Relationships” with your boyfriend and your mother. I think you need to be treated gently and respectfully by both- by anyone you choose to associate with. For a while, according to your description, your boyfriend treated you disrespectfully and that is (I have no doubt) against your best interest.

    Are you living with your mother, I wonder. Are you employed…I am thinking better live away from your mother.

    I have more thoughts but will be waiting for your reply before I proceed.



    Hi anita,

    thank you so very much for your thoughtful response.
    I really appreciate your gentle words and your welcome to the community.
    I have felt bad and guilty about being so angry with my mom for her threats. But then I feel guilty that I continue to talk to my ex, because of the threat by my mom. It feels like a vicious circle.

    I do not live with my mom… A little background, about five years ago she left her (second) husband, she required so much support because she felt she could not ‘do it on her own’. When she finally made that decision to leave, we moved in together. We lived together (and even bought a house together) for two and a half years we lived together. It was what she needed but it strained our relationship a lot being that close all the time. We now both own our own condos and live separately, however we rely on each other for a lot. We complain, want advice, want permission, support etc. My go-to thought is always ‘she’s all I have for family’, that thought of a change to our relationship is what scares me the most. I think I need some space but i’m not sure how to approach it short of moving to another city.

    I do have a full-time job working at lawyers office. I love the work but the office is another environment where I don’t feel heard, feel stepped on and taken for granted.

    I appreciate your words so much, thank you!



    Dear missmegs:

    More like a peer relationship with your mother, isn’t it? Was it always like that? Did she treat you like a friend instead of a child that needs security in a parent that knows-better, guidance from a strong mother figure?



    Hello again anita,

    my mom and I definitely share a friendship or peer relationship for sure.
    We went through a very difficult time when she and my dad separated (I have no relationship with him, in fact, he only used me as collateral to get back at her during divorce proceedings) and ever since then I didn’t really get a true childhood and that began this sort of co-dependent relationship with my mom.

    I ended things with my ex tonight. I am struggling. I was honest about everything that concerned me and how I felt. He went back and forth between being the victim and acting like he wanted to fix everything; but he never showed me that he was willing to fight or put anything into making this work. I’ve been through the heartbreak before and i’m not as heartbroken as I was before but I feel really emotional. I go back and forth that I made the right decision. Its all based on fear of being alone.

    Everything is so confusing right now. I worry that it’ll be bleak forever.



    Dear missmegs:

    It is very unlikely that it will be bleak forever and certainly you will feel better. My therapist used to give me homework assignments in between sessions. One was a guided meditations about feelings, how they change like the weather. I wish you could download such guided meditation. In the past, when I felt bleak I believed it will be like that forever, that I will always feel that way and so I got scared on top of bleak.

    Like the weather, a rainy, cloudy day does change to a sunny, bright day, with time. Feelings do change.

    From your share you made the right choice regarding the boyfriend. Ending that relationship seems the right thing for you, and not because of your mother’s pressure.

    But regarding your mother, that peer relationship didn’t serve you well and still doesn’t. It is not right of her to threaten ending contact with you- unless you were abusive to her, which you were not. It just isn’t right. And after all the support you, via role reversal, gave her, as I understand.

    Do you think it would be better for you to distant yourself from your mother, maybe let her know firmly that it hurts and angers you that she gave you an ultimatum. And/ or maybe plan on limiting contact with her, distancing yourself from her?


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