
Confused about the Relationship

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    Before I jump to my problem, let me first introduce the situations that dominate this issue. I live in a small area, call it a township or a village. There are very less students in my class, about 20. And, I’ve always been the topper of my school. I’ve got great interest in studies and have developed it as a hobby.

    I don’t have any sister, with whom I can share my thoughts, time and problems, and this thing always made me sad whenever I thought about it. One year before, a couple of friends came in my life (girls). It wasn’t like a love-relationship, in fact, they called me their brother. I was a lot happy, as having a sister was a dream for me! But, later, somehow, this affected my studies. I used to stay online at Social Networking websites for 9-10 hours a day, just waiting for them to come online and talk to them! The area where I live is a bit backward and takes things negatively if a girl and boy are seen talking with each other. Even while studying, I used to think about them, although, there was a sense of positivity in me during that period. There were always ups and downs in the relationship. I always asked them and tried to help them out with their studies, problems and all. But, they never cared for me, even, never asked about my health issues that I’ve been going through for a long period of time. This may sound funny, but this is what I was going through. I really felt that they were taking this for granted, and later on, I came to know that it was nothing but just a time-pass for them! When I took a step back from this relationship and stop talking to them, I was a lot happier but the only thing hurts me is, did I make a wrong choice? I always feel alone as I’ve got no friends in the place where I live. I study 10 hours a day now, that makes me feel great but that relationship always distracts me somehow. I’ve also admitted some of my mistakes in front of them, but their responses were always filled with Ego and Attitude. And at some level, I know, that I can forget them but since the class is so short, I end up seeing them by fault and this makes me think about them again!

    I’m confused what’s going on with me! What should I do to concentrate on my aims and target? How should I get out of the pain of getting far from them?

    P.S :
    I’m a boy.
    I work on laptop almost for whole day. As I do most of my studying on laptop. And sometimes, it helps me getting out from the anxiety of feeling lonely.


    I’m just confused!


    My advice Kushrs, is to make new friends. Thats the quickest way. 9 to 10 hours on social media everyday and you havent made a billion friends already? Try to find people with common interests and start from there.


    Thanks a lot for responding, thethinker2015. All I’m worried for is, I’m just too emotional with everything. Like, I think a lot about what I did today, and with whom I talked etc. This is just too frustrating as I can’t concentrate on studies.


    fas fsf saf asd fas f

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by mamie.

    Well, im always around to talk on the weekends if your interested hit me up.

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