
Confused and need advice

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    Hi I have never used this kind of thing before but I am going out of my mind.

    So my partner and I have been together for 2 yrs, and he has a child outside of our relationship.

    When we were two weeks in he went back to his ex who he has a little girl with and broke things off with me although I did not know this was the reason. We got back together after a few days and have been together since, however I found out later down the line that this happened. I decided to move on from it and not allow it to bother me because it was so early in.

    They do not talk however she is rather manipulative and will often contact him with taunting images of his little girl.

    Most recently I knew something was up, things were not right and I checked his phone, and saw they had met up and he has seen his little girl, This was not the issue the lie was. However I have broken trust by snooping.

    We broke up because of the distrust for me after snooping however we are working through things now. We were planning on getting married and have been actively trying for a baby for a about 6 months (we are both near 40 and so wanted a child together).

    However now through conversation, although we are trying again, he does things like tells me he can’t trust me.. or when someone mentions us getting married he says “well that was before” so I feel like I am maybe in a relationship that he believes is not going anywhere.

    I get I was wrong, and for whatever reason he decided to hide the fact he was seeing his little girl from me. I am finding it hard to deal with because he doesn’t understand that I also feel like my trust was bbroken but I am almost made to feel bad for the distrust on my behalf.

    He is giving me an inch by sometimes being affectionate and we are still sexual, however he pulls away by saying things like we won’t be living together soon, or these plans were before this and trust does not magically appear again.

    I am in a little turmoil and don’t know what to do. A good friend of his has told me that they believe that we will work through it and he apparently has told them that he loves me greatly but I can’t help but feel like I am walking on eggshells and quite unhappy over it. I cannot talk to him because its all still quite fresh and so there is alot of defensive actions involved.

    He doesn’t know I know of the infedelity at the start of our relationship.

    Any help appreciated.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Rachel.


    Men often don’t handle their emotions well, and blame others for their pain. He sounds as though he is externalizing his guilt, or seeing you with grey tinted glasses. Honesty is important in relationships, and he was deceptive to you. Your intuition told you something was off, and you went exploring to discover the truth. And you did. Yes, the boundary thing wasn’t the best choice, but a smaller thing than his choice.

    Said differently, his actions carry a greater weight of tresspass against the union, in my opinion, and his poking at you is perhaps his way of trying to keep the heat off of himself. Why was he so scared that he hid from you? Why is he so entangled with the events that he lashes out at you?

    I can appreciate your desire to fix things, take the blame, and so forth, but you can’t fix what are not your broken bits.

    If you two can come to a mutual agreement such as “I promise to be more respectful of boundaries, and not snoop, if you promise to not withhold that which is important.” then perhaps this road bump can get behind you.

    As far as his poking, he’s clinging to the mistake, and in his pain, reopening the wound over and over. Consider a little mama bear self protection. “Hey, your poking will take you all the way to the bottom of a swamp if you let it, your lack of forgiveness for my mistakes are your issue, not mine.” Its not yours, sister, remember that. His lack of forgiveness is his burden, its not because of some character flaw you have. Don’t buy into his bullshit, his “pain vomit”… it doesn’t help either of you.

    Namaste, dear sister, may you both find a deep and rich forgiveness, and in that forgiveness, find one another again.

    With warmth,


    Sorry to interrupt this thread but I’m just trying to find where to post a new forum. All I am finding is comment boxes on existing threads. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


    Hi Rachel,
    I can relate. I think Matt hit the nail on the head here. Your partner is deflecting. I was in a similar situation where I started to catch my boyfriend in little lies here and there. One particularly vulnerable night, I snooped into his Facebook account and found he had developed a fixation (I would call it an “obsession”) on a girl half his age he had met at a bar one night. I confronted him and he continued to lie over and over about it and then would “drip feed” me the truth. Months later he would then claim he was “honest” after I dragged little kernels of truth out of him through repeated conversations. Anyway, for months, he would not admit he lied. Then later on he admitted he lied but said he “didn’t mean to or want to” and that it was because of the way I approached things that made him lie. His lying was a “reaction” to the way I confronted him on issues. I found the whole ordeal very invalidating. Like you, I understood my breach in violating his privacy, but I firmly believe we need to trust our intuition. Something didn’t feel right and that’s why you looked at his phone. Like Matt said, he needs to take accountability for his role in it. The bottom line is that no, you shouldn’t have snooped, but I agree that your partner’s infraction was far more serious.

    I am likely overstepping a boundary with my final point, but please reconsider actively trying to have a baby with this man until your relationship is on more stable footing. The proverbial biological clock keeps ticking, but you owe it to your future child to provide a loving and healthy home.

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