
Coonfused and ready to bail

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    Hello! This is my first time on this site and I would like to say I absolutely love the support everyone seems to give one another.
    As the title reads I am at a loss at this point… This year I met an individual who was kind, perfect and all in all a good person, except for some flaws which of course is normal. It was my first year of college and of course a big leap in my life. I met an individual who I am not sure is in the closet, clueless, or has a rather large ego but all I know is I’m hurting inside from them.
    The person throughout the year continued to ask for body rubs from me, and constantly made remarks that they’d kiss a girl drunk. The issue is when I asked them what their sexuality was they stayed they were straight, of course I am ok with them being that but the person constantly teases and claims not to notice. Touching hair, rubbing atomcah, lingering eyes, I can’t help but feel rather used or at least teased. I truly worry about this year because I cannot handle this, that is wjy I’m here and would love a response!


    Dear sly66:

    You are uncomfortable in this person’s company, why not bail?

    I am assuming that you are confused because the person said he is not gay and therefore you don’t know if your discomfort about his physical attempts with you is valid. You don’t trust your own observations about him being attracted to you physically, so you are waiting for him to tell you that you are correct before you bail.

    You are young and lots yet to learn. I wonder: are you often not sure about the validity of your observations about people? I had great difficult trusting my evaluations of people and was often confused and clueless myself regarding WHO was it I was dealing with at any time. Is this the case with you, partly ..?


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