
Dating in your 20's and drinking

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    So im not a huge drinker. I have my moments, but I can go months without thinking about alcohol.


    Now, I’m in my late 20’s and I have been dating a man in his late 20’s. He hasn’t really grown out of the college drinking phase. He didn’t drink in high school.


    I am concerned. I am not sure what I’m dealing with here….if I’m dealing with a guy who likes to have fun…a high functioning alocholic…or what. But I am concerned.


    I know alcoholics tend tend to hide their drinking rather well if confronted about it, so I am trying to keep my concerns about his drinking on the DL.

    what should I look out for? Any pointers on how to handle this better? I personally know soooooo many people who binge drink and have it as a rather large part of their life, so I’m a little confused if this is normal 20’s culture that will phase out or if he has a dependancy.





    Dear Samantha:

    As you continue to date him, observe him. You can even create a Word Document and take notes, if you want. Document and study his alcohol related behavior. After a period of time, evaluate.

    There are many definitions people use for “alcoholic”. Some go for the can’t-stop-until-blacking-out and others think of themselves as lifetime alcoholics because at times, ten years before, they got drunk and acted irresponsibly. And so, I would not trust the term “alcoholic” used for oneself or another: I would ask the person identifying such: what does it mean to you?

    If you observe and study your boyfriend’s alcohol related behavior you can learn such things as: does he drink and drive, does he black out and do (what) when unconscious? Is he able to successfully achieve his goals, get and keep employment? And so much more.


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