
Did my mind win? – a message for Anita

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    Hello, Anita. I just wanted to let you know how I have been doing.

    Things have been quite -great- these past several days. I realized that the main reason was indeed depression, I guess the pills started to work at last. I can see that negative thoughts and fears took complete control over me and I couldn’t really do anything about it.

    Now I am able to ignore the ones that make me feel bad because I know it’s just my mind. I’m still quite empty, dead inside, I can’t feel emotions much but I believe it will change soon.

    I’ve been making some changes but I also realized that the psychologist was right that I shouldn’t be making any major decisions yet. Anyway, I asked for another promotion at my job so that it is more challenging and it will also require more contact with other people and more thinking. I’ll be applying for another job and I’m also contemplating leaving for a month or so abroad to work as an au-pair. I took the entrance exam, passed and I can continue my studies where I stopped in March.

    As for moving out, I don’t feel like doing it right now. I will have to do it eventually, just not now. I talked to mum, I told her a few things, such as that I want to do things my way, take care of my own finances, simply live life according to my rules. I can’t say that she took everything well and I’m aware that I owe her an apology for blaming everything on her sort of. The thing is that I found out that even when the voices in my head sounded like my mother’s, brother’s, etc, it is still my voice. I realized that it’s me who have high expectations of myself. I will have to talk this through with my psychologist, especially if I want to go to school again. I want be disciplined and hard working, but I also want to be able to breath and make mistakes – not be such a perfectionist all-the-time.

    So I want to be nicer to my mum because she’s mentally drained from all of this, however, I wish she would take the depression thing into consideration a bit. You know, my brother doesn’t even know about the antidepressants and while my mum knows everything, she seems to be somehow ignoring it. I don’t want to tell her “hey, just so you know, there were times when I almost ended it” so that she would realize how serious things were, but I don’t know how to make her realize it any other way. Two days ago, a certain person hugged me and said “it’s going to be okay” and I started to cry. I just feel so alone when it comes to my current situation, I wish mum would just come to me and say “hey, are you doing better? have things improved?” you know? I wish I heard “it’s going to be okay” more often.

    Anyway, I’ve been enjoying getting back into life again, finding new hobbies, taking care of myself..

    Thank you for your care, Anita 😉

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Lada.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Lada.

    Btw I’ve written an e-mail to my American professor (a strict one, a lot of students fear him) as well and I got such a nice e-mail back, he really does care about me and offered me help whenever I need it. It really made my day 🙂


    And how are you doing? 🙂


    Dear lada:

    It is good, so good to get this special message from you: to read that you are finally feeling better. Still dead and empty inside, but somehow better, good enough to ask for a promotion requiring more thinking and contact with people; planning on an au pair job abroad (away from home, I like that!), applied for yet another job, took an entrance exams and continuing your studies: these are all good news!

    Regarding your mother, oh, lada: please don’t expect anything much from her but the same-old same-old. I wish too that you had a comforting mother who saw who you are, who knew you, but this, unfortunately, is not your mother. Neither was it mine. And so, the attention and care that you need will not come from her. You will find another person, someone you don’t know yet, to ask you real questions, to get to know who you really are, to … care to know who you are, what you think, what you feel.

    I can hardly wait for this to happen! And it will…

    So glad you are getting back to life, what a relief!

    As far as I am- getting over a sickness. Looking forward to sleep, so tired.

    Till your next post, take good care of lovely lada.



    I guess you’re righz, it’s been a long time since she last asked me how I was. It’s all just “can you tell me when you’re going to start acting like an adult”, “when will you get normal again”, “I know, just get better already”. It’s just that these are people I live with and I wish they cared.. well, I know they do care, but they don’t feel the need to show it I guess.. What surprised me was when my mum said that we don’t seem to love her. After the divorce, I said to myself that it was from that moment my job to make her happy, as I saw her completely broken, and I did everything to make her happy. When I told her that, she said something like “really?”. I do wish that I lived with some good friends but I don’t feel like making such a big move right now as I said. Maybe the au-pair thing would show me the way.


    Dear lada:

    When you decided it was your job to make your mother happy and proceeded with that job, you lost yourself- you lost lada. Do not take on this job again, and if you find yourself on that job- quit it! Making your mother happy is a losing proposition. It’s a lost cause. If she loved you truly, then her love for you and your love for her would have made her happy. But she is not a loving person, so she is not happy.

    This is why I wrote that one day there will be someone else for you to love and be loved by.

    It can’t be her, please remember this and stop trying to get water out of a rock. You will find water in a stream where water is. Not in a dry rock.

    I like the au pair. I can’t wait for the day you will be moving out.



    @lada I don’t know what you were going through and where you were with things but you said some really amazing things. What you said, the choice of words you used shows a lot of self-awareness of your wants, needs, mistakes in thinking, your own limitation and weaknesses, etc. More important is you’re taking action. Amazing transformation… What’s your secret? 😉


    Dear Lada:

    I wonder about you, how you are these days???



    Hi, Anita, thank you so much for asking.

    Things have been great. Though I’m still looking for a new job, but I don’t take night shifts at my current job and rest from time to time. I’m still living at home, there are days when I get along with mum well (especially if we don’t see each other for a few days), but there are also days when we disagree on everything, it’s tiring. On the other hand, I’m currently seeing someone so I’m not at home that much, I have also been going out with friends whom I have been neglecting the past few months.

    What I realized is that family issues have quite a big impact on me. In the past year, my grandpa almost died, then simultaneously my uncle and his son were both in serious condition (my uncle died from cancer, I was with him that night, my cousin is okay now). I’m always upset that I can’t do more for then, but in general I never realized that these things may have been the cause, I thought it was either school, men, father, … The truth is that when someone in my family got sick, I would drop everything. Unfortunately my aunt is sick as well now, I’m coming there to stay with her a few days.

    brievuong: Hello, thank you for your words. I was severely depressed, I was going crazy at times a few months back. My mind just went on and on and on, creating only horrible scenarios.. I guess it’s good that I’m self-aware, but what my therapist noticed is that I analyze too much. He said to me now to just tell him how I feel or felt and not look for the cause of it, because I tend to interlink events that in the end have nothing to do with each other. So I’m actually learning not to analyze everything so much, it’s just thoughts 🙂

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Lada.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Lada.

    Dear Lada:

    I am so glad you replied and that there is such positive improvement in your experience of life. And you are seeing someone, and going out with friends- a big plus. In your relationship with that someone and with friends, be assertive, respectful to yourself. Allow yourself to be who you are.

    At home, protect yourself the best you can from your mother: I like you not seeing her days at a time. And I still hope that in the future you will be moving out so that indeed seeing her will happen in the frequency that will not damage you.

    Please do focus on your outside the home social interactions, make those loving, and give up on trying to make your relationship with your mother a loving one, or anything at all.

    Please do post again, anytime. So good to read from you!



    Hi, Anita

    Just wanted to let you know how I’ve been doing and ask you the same! 🙂

    I just came back from a week-long holiday with my mum, we were both relaxed so we got along quite well. I took some trips and went to a concert in Prague so I wasn’t always with her. I’m learning not to be so affected by what she says and I strongly believe that I’ll have moved out by September.

    As for the next weeks, I’ll be working for three weeks in Prague in a summer camp with my friend (1 hour from home) and sleep there as well, and then we will set out on a 10-day-long race during which we will visit several countries in Europe on a very low budget. So that makes it a month away from home 🙂

    I’m supposed to come back to school in October and I’m still little anxious about that because I don’t what caused my depression and if it was school, I don’t want it to happen again.

    Other than that I’m really okay and enjoy being with my friends and getting in touch with my relatives, reading, finding new hobbies.. I don’t know what will happen after summer and it scares me a bit, but that’s life 🙂

    How are you?


    Or maybe I’m not scared of the future but scared of autumn and winter, this period wasn’t good for me the last few years..


    Dear Lada:

    So good to read from you and thank you for asking: I am fine.

    As I wrote to you in the last post: do continue to focus on outside the home people and life. I do hope you move out September as you indicated as a possibility. I like your working in Prague plans and touring Europe.

    As far as starting school and the fear you have of this, it is understandable, of course. Well, if you move out before starting school, or as you start school, this would be something very significant that will be different from last time. It is nice you had an okay time with your mother while she was relaxed, on a vacation, but she will be distressed again and living away from her will be as good as a life saver for you, I strongly believe.

    This going back to school, it needs to be a different experience- living away from your mother, having minimal (if any) contact with her, being involved with loving, kind friends, a boyfriend…

    Please do post again and again- it is a delight to read from you- makes my day!



    Helloo, Anita 🙂

    I’m writing you from Prague and I don’t know if I even have anything to write about :)) My job at the camp is great, I have good access to the city and a lot of free time. Things with my boyfriend are great and I have been getting some translating jobs recently. We have been lightly discussing starting a business but I don’t think it’s a good idea to work with my partner.

    I went to my therapist and I really had nothing to tell him, but he was quite enthusiastic about the race in Europe so we talked about that for a long time :)) Then I told him that my mother could be mentally exhausted because she takes care of our grandfather and he suggested that maybe that’s where all her care and love go to and there is nothing left of it for me.

    So I’m translating, looking for a flat, preparing for the race.. 🙂 I sometimes look back at the bad times and I can’t believe that I recovered like this. Thank God for the pills..

    How are you doing?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Lada.

    Dear Lada:

    Thank you for asking. I am more in touch these very days with my pain of long ago, as a child. There is more for me to do on my Healing Path. There is no “living happily ever after”- the process is ongoing: always something to learn, always challenges.

    I so glad you are doing well. I was thinking the same thing: “I can’t believe that (you) recovered like this”- I thought it before I read your last paragraph stating it yourself!

    Keep the momentum going, Lada. Focus on what works and turn your back to what didn’t work: living with your mother- that didn’t work. Hope you never go back to living with her. Please, do not.

    Your hope, your healing is away from the home-of-your-childhood. It is in a new place, Prague, now. It is with new people, new friends and a boyfriend. Let go of the old best you can and welcome the new. Please do post again and again…

    Thrilled to get these updates from you, thank you!


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