
Distant partner

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  • This topic has 26 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Dear marsh:

    I am sad because I believe behind the laugh there is probably some sadness. You do put a brave face out here, on this thread but I think it probably hurts…

    Please do post again. At times you may feel fine; other times not so fine. Do post anytime.



    Yeah there is some sadness, Ofcourse, but I have to make the most of it.

    We have spoken again and has said she can’t make it for my birthday, basicly I think it’s over.

    She has said she is in love with me but she struggles. She isn’t sure if there is a future. She really wants it to work but is torn, she doesn’t understand why she can’t make more effort.

    I just said to her ” then why did you let me come up, why say you are in it and love me etc” so that annoys me a little bit.


    Dear marsh:

    I agree that it sounds like it is over, or should be over. The little double talk on her part does not obscure the clarity of her messages to you: plans to move in together are cancelled, communication lessened, new friends made, etc. etc.

    How are you going to deal with the sadness…?



    Yeah it looks like it should be over, I just wish I knew the reasoning behind it, like how she thinks.

    I don’t know, I guess I’m now free to go where ever. Just have to sort out how she is going to collect her things aswell as the money she owes me.

    I’m abit lost right now, every plan I had has died haha


    Dear marsh:

    How she thinks… if we could read minds, how would life be like, I wonder.

    If it helps you to express your sadness, any feelings here, i will read and reply every time. I understand you feeling a bit lost right now. You had an attachment to her, a connection. Now that it is almost undone, this connection, when you lost that connection, you are, for a while, suspended in air, not here nor there, lost.

    Until you land and get used to the new situation. I hope you post again and again.

    Take good care of yourself:



    Well it’s done..ended it.

    Time for the next adventure 🙂


    Dear marsh:

    Such a positive attitude! Notice how a feeling of elation as expressed in that smiley face and the words “next adventure”- notice how it changes. As feelings do change all the time. Expect and accept the changing feelings: sometimes it will be tough for you, following this break up and otherwise. When you do feel badly, accept it and know it will pass, like dark clouds moving away, over time, and the sun peeking through. And please do post again.



    It sucks yeah, and and hurts. But I know there are good days and bad. Everything works out how it’s supposed too.



    Dear marsh:

    You are welcome and please do post anytime, bring this thread back or start a new one… maybe with a new adventure as you phrased it…



    To answer the original post, this entirely depends on the reason your partner would become quiet. I have two examples. The first was downright shocking.

    My husband began speaking to me less, never initiated sexual relations (and before, I would have to be VERY blunt because just wearing something adult rated with lots of lace was not enough to get the point across.) And he was uncomfortable with cuddling, but did so if I asked him to. He didn’t want to talk about problems, just dodged them the most he could, and all of this became the worst after having kids. (Before, not tooo bad. But not good.) His reason was inexperience and not knowing how to handle problems between us at all. I was almost doing all the work, and after the divorce, he was officially diagnosed with autism. Both of us were very surprised, but it all suddenly made a lot of sense. He had been talking to his mother, and she joked that the family doctor thought he was autistic as a child, so he actually went to get checked out. Passed every symptom, and his brother is clearly mentally handicap even more so. (Love comes in all forms, yet I was shooting for medical school. Was a startling contrast of intelligence, but I did love him genuinely.)

    The second, I had no idea why he would get more quiet for the longest time. He wouldn’t outright leave, he’d just get busy in his own things, or sit around staring at the wall without saying anything. I’d ask, and he’d never answer, and got anxious if I pressed. It was difficult, I didn’t understand why he was withdrawing. Later, with lots of patience and building on each other, he expressed past abuse. Confiding problems was complaining, and complaining meant pain. Strong, silent type of man a lot of the time.


    -Finally caught up reading.- Well I’m late to the party. It hurts working through it, it really does, but that attitude is gold. Sorry for my offbeat random post. 🙂


    If anybody would like to talk more efficiently, the only type of communication that’s going to work for me in the next few hours from here on out and weeks is going to be Skype only. My username is signalhill84

    Thank you everyone for your patience and understanding in this matter.


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