
Do I Need To Cut Ties With This Sketchy Guy?

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    The guy doesn’t sound sketchy to me, in fact it sounds like he has given up on you because you’re so hesitant to meet him.  I’d be flirting with other women too if we weren’t in a monogamous relationship.

    Try to imagine what it feels like to be a guy: he’s supposed to just drop all the other women he’s talking to because he is supposed to magically know that you’re expecting him to?    He hasn’t even met you and you’re already expecting monogamy?  He is supposed to not flirt with more than one woman at a time?  Why?  How could that possibly be a sane thing to do when you won’t even meet him in person?

    Try to realize that just because you feel an emotion doesn’t mean it is justified.  Our brains are complex and emotions rise up in us for many reasons.


    Hi Anita. Yes, his preference for flirting with other women over advancing a genuine, real life relationship with me makes me feel incredibly lousy about myself and question why am I not enough for him?

    I am very sensitive on the topic as I had an ex that would not commit to me. He had roving eyes, and I suspected may have cheated on me. My father is also emotionally abusive and has been all my life. This guy who has retreated from me knows all this, and still manages to hurt me and abuse the trust I placed in him.

    I got myself tangled up in another toxic connection again, and it makes me feel weak and sad to think I would fall for such a self-centred man. 🙁


    Dear Dee:

    The trust you  placed in this guy is misplaced. He never deserved your trust. You told  him about your experience of betrayal by your ex, your experience of betrayal by your own father (having been abusive to you), and you assumed for  some reason that this guy will operate with your well being first in his mind, understand the hurt you experienced and do right by you.

    But he is not that guy worthy of your trust. He just wants to have fun with women, this is his motivation. It happened in my life too,  that I needed  help so much that I imagined this or that person will help me. I didn’t understand that the  men I hoped  to help me,  helped themselves, not me.

    You need love, no doubt, you need to be loved by a good, trustworthy man who will genuinely care about your feelings, your well being. It takes a man who will value you first as a person, not as a woman first.  Meaning, a  man who will care for you because you are  human and in pain,  not because you are a female whose body he wants  to enjoy.

    What do you think?



    Anita, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wise words! I needed to hear that.

    These sorts of guys take a sympathetic ear they get from females that will listen to their problems, but never reciprocate in turn. And in fact, to add insult to injury, choose to move onto other women instead!

    In some ways I also wonder whether that aspect to our connection has turned him off me, as he earlier had mentioned that where we lived as kids held bad memories for him. Even though it wasn’t my fault, he associated me with that bad memory. So, in turn, I reason that me being there listening to all his problems now like a dutiful girlfriend might (even though I am not his girlfriend), may have perhaps made him associate me with all those uncomfortable feelings of pain from his past again? I am only speculating, seeing as I doubt I will ever gain closure from him on this.

    I am in total agreement with what you say, that it is better to find a man that values you first as a person, and not solely as a female with body parts he is interested in.

    Thank you once again for helping me see the light.


    Wanki, I was hesitant to meet him, that is true, but for GOOD reason as my previous posts explained. He shows player tendencies. I wanted to put the brakes on anything casual occurring when we met up, and to see if he WOULD show patience and interest in getting to know me deeper before any physical contact.

    Also, by my definition of his broader character and behaviours he is acting sketchy. He adds girls who look like they are still in their teens! A grown man in his 40s! It might not be illegal if they are of consensual age, but definitely doesn’t lend itself to upstanding morals or character!


    Dear Dee:

    You are very welcome.

    Clearly this man is after the thrill of sex, to put it directly, this is why he  is after very young women barely out  of their teens- they are youthful and youth is sexually attractive, that is all. He then told you about his problems because it  feels good to vent. Doesn’t feel good to be on the other side, listening,  so he didn’t do that. In summary: he goes for what feels good, avoids what doesn’t and that is the extent  of his moral character that you mentioned (“doesn’t lend itself  to upstanding  morals or character!”).

    You w rote that maybe the fact that the  two  of you lived in the  same place as kids, that it  might  be a bad  association for him. What I think (and it occurred to me  during the first page  of your thread) is that you associated something positive between this history and him, assuming there is something warm and desirable in that long ago history, as if the two of  you were close at the time. I think he doesn’t have that association, the positive one that  you have.

    I am familiar myself with an association  like that, seeing in a person something that isn’t there because  he  was there long ago, in the same place you were in, during those  long  ago years where everything felt so raw and intense, those hopes  and dreams of long ago.

    Is it something  like this for you?




    Hi Anita,

    It is exactly like that. Even though he is now a grown man, his maturity is stunted, clearly evidenced by his penchant to engage in a sea of shallow online relationships. He has deep-seated psych issues that likely prevent him relating to another in a healthy way, and those issues of his are not something I am able to fix, nor should I want to fix.

    I held him in fond regard from our childhood, even though I hold some bad memories from that time, too. Instead I choose to focus on the good memories, which included him.  He, on the other hand, focusses on the trauma he experienced. I’m not blaming him for that, because that it his decision on how to view his past. He did reveal that whenever he went through dark times, he would think of me, as his time spent with me when we were children was a lovely time for him. That news definitely did touch me, however, I think he is also associating me with the bad memories of the town we used to live in, and subconsciously that is pushing him away. The chasm that is forming again between us is wider than just this one issue. He has  a seemingly unhealthy addiction to women that prevents a meaningful connection from ever happening with me.

    I don’t agree with the notion put forth by some here that he has a right to keep adding and interacting with these other women (some who are of questionable character), AFTER he admitted to me he was attracted to and ‘valued’ me. By continuing to interact with and divert his attentions on females elsewhere, he is sabotaging any chance of a genuine relationship happening with a real-life soul, namely me. Someone who cared enough about him to listen during his soul-baring conversations, whereas I doubt many of these other women would give a damn about his real-world problems! It does show me though that he does not have the necessary drive to pursue me, and is easily distracted by the plethora of online temptations that exist. If he doesn’t have the self-control and maturity to moderate his online behaviour when an opportunity is handed to him to advance a real friendship, then again, the connection between us will not be able to withstand that.

    Social media for all its merits, causes significant problems for decent women like myself, because it enables men like him to treat women in a disrespectful or disposable manner. But I, too, am part of that problem if I enable the guy through accepting his substandard treatment whilst he chooses to flirt with a horde of other women.

    And going back to what Wanki mentioned about how is the guy supposed to know he is meant to be monogamous? I guarantee that even if this guy had already met up with me and we ended up dating, he would have an exceptionally difficult time giving up his much-loved hobby of digitally stamp collecting other females, because this activity of his is bordering on addiction.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Dee.

    Dear Dee:

    You write so well! Your use  of English is  so impressive to me, “plethora of  online distractions”, “digitally stamp collecting other females”, are only two expressions that impress me.

    You wrote: “Social media for all its  merits, causes significant problems for decent women like myself, because it  enables men like him to treat women in a disrespectful or disposable manner”- social media does  escalate this problem but it  existed massively  before social media, way before social media women have been viewed as  sexual objects, a multi billion industry is based  on this, the unfortunate pornographic industry, which  I wish did not exist.

    It would  have been his benefit, great benefit to have you in his life, to  attend  to you as the valuable woman that  you are, to respect you and  appreciate you but unfortunately for  him he  is interested in distractions, and  like you wrote, he has a “plethora of online  distractions” available to him. Reads like he suffered in his childhood and I am sure his suffering was  valid and  is valid, that  he was  indeed mistreated. I suppose  the distractions he  is after  are about not feeling that pain.




    Thank you so kindly Anita! You are a wonderful, encouraging person. 🙂 I love the English language, but with time pressures from being a working mother, my writing can get a little hasty and fragmented. I am sure any person with a young child will understand this remark, although I have tried my best to write clearly. 🙂

    I think you have really gotten to the heart of the issue, in that he is after the whole fantasy world and prefers to numb out any feelings of discomfort or pain, seeing as he has serious issues stemming from his childhood. Being real with me is not what he is after, and that has become painfully clear going by his actions, or more precisely, inaction!

    Something prompted me to write him a short message yesterday, even though I understand you don’t always get the closure you want from doing that. I went with that instinctual feeling, as I felt the need to ask him why he had avoided answering important questions I had asked of him, which he had raised in the first place. And how if he had answered those follow-up questions of mine, it would have helped clarify my understanding of his situation, life, character, and his values better.  Sadly, yet again his response was all about him and he left me to draw inferences, because he never directly addressed my latest question! The inference I gathered by the information he gave, was that he was busy at the moment concentrating on finishing a new vocation course, and even though he had decided it was not for him (yet again I see another sign of unstableness, as he always seems to switch or quit jobs!).

    I get that though. At that moment in time when I messaged him yesterday, he was busy attending a course and had little time to reply to me. That is fair enough. However, as I see it, there are 24 hours in a day. And he is not busy enough to find time to sleep or eat, and certainly not busy enough to interact with other women online, but busy enough to build trust in our re-forming relationship and communicating with me on unanswered questions that would have cleared up why he was fired from a previous job, and whether he truly meant what he said about really liking me, to the point of him revealing his sexual attraction to me.

    He never offered me an apology, or expressed any dismay about me telling him I had removed myself from his friends list on social media. I figured he was giving me the blow-off, but it gave me some measure of closure in knowing that I tried my best to communicate with him, in part to give him one last chance to explain himself. He was not willing to be mature enough to respond as one would in a two-way friendship that they really cared to try and save.

    I don’t plan on reaching out to him again. It’s time I think about moving on, since with guys like him there is always an excuse why they are not present in your life, and someone else is always to blame while they are the hard done by victim in it all. Yes, he did have a bad start to life in some respects, but if he is reforming himself today like he claims he is,  then he still has quite a bit of work ahead of him. Life is too short to over-analyse someone’s every action or inaction towards you. They either step up and meet you halfway to do whatever it takes to make it work or the relationship cannot survive.

    Thank you once more Anita for all the valuable advice you have given. 🙂


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Dee.

    Dear Dee:

    You are welcome and thank you for your kind words (and smiley faces)!

    Your English is excellent indeed, in my view, for anyone, not just  for a busy young  mother. You write well and you think well, I guess the  two  go together.

    “This Sketchy Guy” (in the  title of your thread) is  just not qualified to have a  meeting-of-the-minds-and-hearts  with you. He is just not there. It  is not easy  to create  such a  meeting  between  two people on an ongoing  basis (beyond a one or a few times that feel just  right, maybe), but there are people with whom it is  possible.

    I think that you tried your best to have such a meeting  with him and he failed to meet you there, not halfway, not even quarter  way. Better not meet him by being..  A Sketchy Girl. Better indeed look elsewhere  for love and partnership.



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